
Curious to all of you who handheld game, where do you find time to use them?

This is just copying someone's programmed controls per level correct?

I'm really not a fan of the "laggy-ish" controls. They market it as realistic, but it's not. It has that feeling where it starts out slow and then moves quicker if you keep it in that same direction. The controls should be similar to a BFBC or even CoD. I played the beta for awhile, I got used to the controls, and

The controls still suck IMO.

This will be a rental. It will be a fun game, don't get me wrong, but there is nothing there to keep players coming back (i.e. competitive multilayer etc.) so it doesn't justify a $65 with tax price tag.

Who even cares?

Gabe Newell is awesome, I wish I could of had the opportunity to video conference with him during my high school years lol. Lucky class.

Duke Nukem is going to be average at best. It's being sold on nostalgia, basically. It's like Goldeneye and the new 007 games, they just aren't the same.

Seem's kinda 'blah' but idk, maybe it will be good.

This is why EA/Activision are so greedy in the eyes of "real" gamers. They are corporations, and there is a ton of money in casual gaming.

Maybe they are referring to the PS3 title specifically. But it is misleading if that is correct, and still an error if not.

Valve is awesome. The End.

So dumb...

I want more info about this GW2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOAR IS GOOD. MOAR IS BETTA. MOAR AH MAKES US HAPPAY.

Call of Duty is next.

Blops is fun, but I think I'll be picking up BF3 over whatever FPS Activision poops out this year.

SOCOM II would sell like hot cakes, just sayin'

Never played STALKER - never will - but props to these guys.

Dear Sony, I just bought your console a few weeks ago and I'm having a blast playing all the exclusives - but you need to sit your corporate ass down, it's easy mkay.
