
I just use my tongue.


That's what happens when you play Call of Duty - duh - the game on Xbox Live has easily one of THE WORST community's along with World of Warcraft.

Why stop at six?

Riiiiiidddddddddddddgggeeeeeee......... ah nvm

lol @ the intercooler - such a "scam" and useless.

@Jonn: Ben Heck

Scientology isn't even a religion, it's a scam. There is a difference, people.

How a video game has any significance in determining a real life outcome I have yet to understand. It seems like they do this junk every year, extremely meaningless in my opinion.

@Vash_627: I guess you don't realize that MMO's are "serious business". MMO's aren't some A/AA console title they can shit out, and when both of ones studio teams fail - one going F2P and the other just glad they made it a year - something needs to be reevaluated.

That microphone extension looks about as strong as a toothpick.

Is anyone actually going to buy this game? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the demo, but it seems like this game wont hold it's own in either SP or MP. Rental?

@MuddButt: It is a fun game don't get me wrong, but it's not to the point where I would want to keep investing my time into it. Also, I play it on PC and the controls are pretty annoying. You can tell they were mainly developing the game for the PS3.

@Musai: The class system is the same thing when it's all said and done - it's just how you get there is what makes it different..

@Dr_Pie: Keep in mind these are video games.

@androidpk1: Or maybe poking fun at a watered down genre of the same old shit.

Honestly, DCUO is just alright - it's not that fun. It's a fun game to kill some time in, but there are much better games out there. The MMO genre is terrible right now.