It probably got dead pixels
It probably got dead pixels
@Skuld: Black Power and White Power are exactly the same. They both promote ones own race.
Where is White College Football Experience?
Microsoft: Take Notes
Hahahaha, I've got to buy this game
Windows Millennium Edition!! eh.. not! M.E. is the bastard step child of Microsoft.
wow... I have to give criterion props they know how to update a game consistently. take notes infinity ward, take notes.
@Calhoun: Or a cheeseburger!
I have a water bottle for sale.. 200k, and yes it's full.
Lets go MMO, Lets Go! Da da da Lets go MMO, Lets go!!
Yup. The world is going to end soon
@Optimistic Prime: Same here! This game was fun for what it was.
Ah - MMO's how I love them but hate them. How I love the gameplay, but don't have the time to play. I think Guild Wars 2 will be the next MMO I try. I might try Blizzards new MMO, but damn, they should just title it "The Life Stealer"
@Calhoun: Good idea, though the smell of the "people" will probably still be lingering outside.
EA Acronymns START - NOW.
NO, Blizzard. NO. Just stop. Stop being such a bitch. Go to your room Blizzard, Just go.
@kuicksilver16: Keep checking you e-mail. All netflix members were guarenteed a spot in the "beta".
Old news..