
lol they even got the trash can.

Small town weed dealer? How much for a dub sack?

IE is like a fat hooker with asthma trying to run a mile in under 6 minutes.

1210 Calories?! WHAT THE F?

So if I pay enough money I can be on the cover of a Monopoly?

Wouldn't it be weird if they made a game called Guitar Hero and it sold MILLIONS? And they could sell you plastic guitars too?

Anyone notice the title of this game: Mirrors Edge

I thought asians were smart?


He worked on Texas Chain Saw Massacre? Only fitting he'd do Gears of War 2.

OMG YES a STOOL with GUITAR HERO on it?! Now I just need a REPLACEMENT BUTTONS for my GUITAR HERO guitar because i JAM so hard.

Where is the HELI-COPTA?

Anyone remember Killzone online? How many bullets could the enemy take?

Wait I'm confused. Excuse my "non-knowledge" and fill me in. Can't you already play SFIV in arcades? So how come it's taking so long for it to come onto consoles and why did they already release it in arades?

Marcus Fenix and Hannah Montana???!

EA Ruined Need for Speed. The original Need for Speeds were fun. Then they introduced Underground which was awesome. Then they had Underground 2 which was another dose of awesome - and then it all went down hill like a fat kid on a bike with no brakes.

@p3713: A lot of people liked the MadWorld commercial. Even my Dad saw it on TV and he isn't a gamer at all and he liked it.

How does this work? If they pirate it does that mean they are playing it on the PC? It wouldn't seem like they could pirate a game and play it on Xbox 360 without getting caught.