For a second I thought it was our Tom, I had to look for him to make sure. LoL
For a second I thought it was our Tom, I had to look for him to make sure. LoL
I hope these trucks go on sale in TRACH and then again in TRUCKTOBER thru TRUCKVEMBR!!
Aaahhh!! I see what you did there...... ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) . I got my eye on you..oh and here’s my Star, you earned it!!
I know this post will disappear into the rest of the postings, but I have to say, David Obuchowski this is pure Gold and I wish you the best on your Future in True Journalism bc You have it!!
So excited LOL *Write* not right
I am just so happy that you get to right this story about your farm truck v.s. what could of been!!! KEEP ON truck’n, .. Jeep’n’ I mean.
I have seen real European license plates here in Galveston, Texas. How do I know you ask.. if its on an Unimog or a real Geländewagen (if u don’t know either name, please delete your jalopnik account..LOL..No seriously.. get out)
Lets just bolt it to the freaking flywheel and call it a day!! LOL
Wait, so this didn’t happen in Houston or DFW. That’s a first!
This is the reason many people live outside of city limits. As an automotive enthusiast, I have had my share of issues with code enforcement on my hobbies (some caused by people with no life but to complain). I just educate myself in regulations and work with the law.
Techs have used it to describe a divorced transfer case or an additional overdrive “gearbox”, thats connected to the transmissions output shaft to give a “double overdrive” or “final overdiver” if had none to begin with.
No matter what you purchase, plan a $10k “TLC “ fund, because sometimes TLC doesn’t come cheap.
I am tired & stressed from helping aging family members, but that all disappeared for a moment from me laughing so hard from that gif and the dialogue you had with felllow posters. Thank you for that, and keep doing what your doing!
Am I the only one that thought the Honda CrossTour was back, but the “H” is is italicized.
Not trying to turn it into a trucker forum, but what if he would have accelerated and steered (drove) to the left. In a perefect situation where he could react quicky enough and safely having the lanes open. Just wondering?
The EPA has GM selling Ford products now! They aren’t playing around anymore! .. I got your point,and I had to think about who makes what. Good times.
So very true! When I am rowing through six gears and an axle ratio designed for towing, it is pure happiness. Funny thing is, there is always someone tailgating me in the right lane and then they pass me up all mad. Only for me to catch them or pass them up eventually, good times.