
I’m looking. I’m enjoying. I’m living.

Oh Cate. You know you're my queen, but seriously that was such a bad call.

That, or my terrible vagina.

Rather convenient for post-transformation makeovers.

Wait... do they mean *this* Marlon Brando? I respectfully - AND LOUDLY - disagree. (Oh Marlon)

This might be the greatest reference ever made. I hope it’s exactly what the stylist was thinking.

My second favourite ‘no’ gif after The Office. NO GOD NO.

I can’t work out whether this is better or worse than my history of being the last woman a man goes out with before confirming he is, in fact, a screaming homosexual (three and counting).

Portions of that statement are eminently actionable.

Most of these comments should be marked ‘NSFE’ - Not Suitable For Emetophobes. Having read a few, I’d consider extending that to Not Suitable for Everyone.

“A soy laden swat team who shows up at the colon party and violently asks everyone to GTFO.”

I looked ‘thot’ up and immediately regretted it. I wish I was still living in a world where that term didn’t exist.

Holy hell, Sutton Foster is actually 40. Quit hogging all the virgin blood, girl.

Oh my God he looks exactly like my dad. I JUST REALISED THAT'S WHY I LIKE HIM SO MUCH. *head explodes*

I would not wish Tim Riggins on my worst enemy, at least for the long term. Quick lay - absolutely; adoptive father of your child - HELL NO.

I once met Professor Stephen Hawking - it was at a Hallowe'en party and he was dressed up as Dracula. I was a zombie.

For the longest time I thought the lyrics to this song were "Go, go Jason Waterfalls" and I was like "who is this guy and why are we cheering him?"


Apparently it's going to rain here all weekend, so I'm going to spend waaaay too long scrolling through pics of pretty ladies wearing dresses to find the perfect one for my work Christmas party. Also, I will be listening to this song on endless repeat.