Judging by the buildings and the street sign in the background, I’d say it’s probably somewhere in the UK - maybe London?
Judging by the buildings and the street sign in the background, I’d say it’s probably somewhere in the UK - maybe London?
Lololololololllll for realz tho this song is amazing
They’re doing similar work on the tram lines where I life I n Manchester (UK) at the moment. I had forgotten how completely hellish it is - especially during the summer months - to wait sometimes 20+ min for a crowded, sweaty bus, only to sit in standstill rush hour traffic. Plus the task force of Creepy Bus Men are…
I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen him without sunglasses. In fact that’s an oddly intimate photo - I wonder who took it and what for?
So while doing some JDM-related Googling, I just found out that he’s dating the actress who played Peyton on One Tree Hill. I feel like I’m 15 again!
Am I the only person who likes (non-water)melon? Bojack Horseman has a whole recurring bit about how Honeydew is terrible, but I heartily disagree.
Actually the Guardian style guide says punctuation inside speech marks at all times. I don't think it's a U.S. vs U.K. thing - it's just a question of preference.
‘Barren, pregnant or just a fatty?’ - my autobiography, coming soon.
Yes, something *is* weird with her eyebrows in this! I thought her face looked strange.
If they’d thrown Larry out I think the country would have gone into full-scale meltdown. Like, killing in the streets and people getting cannibalised and various other apocalyptic shit.
I guess everyone has a type... ?
The phrase you’re looking for is ‘silver fox’.
I’m beginning to think the word ‘real’ should be banned from discussions of any and all political and social issues. It’s one of those words (like ‘inflammable’) that is so often misused that it either comes to mean the exact opposite of its original definition, or it becomes one of those white noise words that don’t…
Furthermore, the use of the word “pertaining” in the quote from their ‘source’ (aka someone's PR) is sending my bullshit meter into the stratosphere.
Thank God someone noticed this. Suffolk is a varied county too - a Hiddlemother who lives in Woodbridge is very different from a Hiddlemother who lives in Felixstowe. I need clarification so I can make the most informed assumptions about her personality, haircut and tableware.
I have been partaking heavily in the sweet berry wine recently.
I’ve had an absolutely terrible few days and the ballroom of drama you describe above is the only thing saving me from this shit sandwich of a week. Tom, Taylor, for my sake please keep doing... whatever this is for as long as it takes a person to get over the stress of being imminently kicked out of their apartment…
1234, 1234, 1234, 1234. Four foursomes. I am sure a good time would be had by all.