
"Stimulating hair growth"?! No. I absolutely cannot afford that potential side effect. I already have enough unwanted body hair for at least three women. Yeesh.

Either Ryan Gosling has to stop saying such charming and wonderful things in interviews, or Jez has to stop posting them - MY WOMB CANNOT TAKE IT ANY MORE!

It's a shame that Tom Hardy has suddenly decided to go all dudebro and declare 'no homo' on his previous statements about his sexuality. I always thought it was pretty awesome that he didn't feel the need to fulfil this ridiculous hetero hyper-masculine alpha-male stereotype just because he started being cast as the

If there was evidence that anyone else had covered up (or at the very least turned a blind eye to) the institutional rape of children, they would be pilloried in every available public forum. The pope does not get a free pass just because he's the biggest advocate of a particularly widespread mass delusion.

I never usually give beauty tips, because let's be honest - most of the time my hair/face/general appearance screams 'hot mess.' But there's one thing I recommend to every single woman I know - ARGAN OIL. It's what Moroccan Oil is based on, but that's hugely overpriced - you can get similar products from Amazon that

I cannot believe Kevin Alejandro had to leave SouthLAnd for True Blood and they killed him off after ONE SEASON. Not fair.

What the heck is going on with Eli Roth? He's a good-looking man, but he looks like a teenage boy who borrowed his dad's suit for the prom.

Tom Felton - I want to go to there.

Surely I can't be the only one who would watch that TV show. It would be like the Battlestar Galactica of the fantasy genre.

In England it isn't unusual for local authorities to collect this sort of data, as part of a wider scheme to try and ensure that public services are reaching all sections of the community. I used to work distributing disabled parking permits, and we were obliged to ask the applicant their ethnicity even though it had

Wow, Gerard Butler does look *very* different. He seems to have aged about five years. Although losing weight alone can do that to a person, and he was extremely beefcakey before. I think the longer, differently-coloured hair makes a difference, too.

I don't understand why she isn't sick (at least physically). Surely living in a house filled with dirt and feces would give you all kinds of respiratory, gastro-intestinal and dermatological issues?

So... all the time, then?

This is somewhat of a downer (so apologies in advance), but I used to work at a birds of prey centre and was told that you should never stroke them - they distribute oil on their feathers when they preen to waterproof themselves, and when you stroke them it removes the oil. Then if they're exposed to water, they can

Forget thighlights - I am really feeling the arms in this one.

Once you've got the basics down, and given her info on where to go if she needs help when you're not around, I would definitely go into the emotional side of things as well. That's the stuff they don't really teach you at clinics or if you have sex ed at school - not allowing yourself to be pressured into sex, the

I try to see my body less as an object of desire, and more as a tool for living, but sometimes I feel like the people and world around me make this really difficult. If I ever I mention to someone that I go running and cycling a lot, they automatically assume that my aim is to lose weight. In fact, I exercise because

What the eff, Mary Murphy?! You always look really good on So You Think You Can Dance!

The top left picture of her dressed as an indian would be wonderful if she was smiling or looked like she was playing and having fun. And while I understand that the Vogue shoot is meant to be taken with a pinch of salt, is it still OK to subject a child to being dressed up in adult clothes, caked in make-up and shot

I kind of want to start online dating, but I've never really done, er... real-life dating. Am I insane? What tips do you Jezzies have for a newbie?