He is like catnip to me in that film. Handsome? Yes. Wonderful northern accent? Yes. Quite severely emotionally messed up? HELL YES. It's like the film-makers had a window into the 'perfect man' section of my brain.
He is like catnip to me in that film. Handsome? Yes. Wonderful northern accent? Yes. Quite severely emotionally messed up? HELL YES. It's like the film-makers had a window into the 'perfect man' section of my brain.
Well, who wouldn't want their baby's last name to be Phillippe, even if the man in possession of said name is not the father? It's a great name. I personally am planning on giving my children the surname Gosling, because it makes me think of adorable fluffy baby geese. If Ryan Gosling was to agree to marry me and…
Call me cynical, but this just seems like a good excuse not to cast anyone over 35. Especially not any women. Having said that, it seems like a decent premise and I'll probably still watch it.
Gladiator. When he's dying in the Colosseum after Commodus stabs him, he's walking through the field and sees his wife and son and Djimon Hounsou tells him to go to them... gets me every single time. Love that film.
Does anyone else think the girl in the blue leotard and wig looks like Jennifer Lawrence (from the new X-Men)?
Ladies, prepare yourselves - my friend went out with him for a while when he was acting in theatre in London, and apparently not only is he intelligent, charming, and an absolute gentleman, he is also dynamite in the sack. MEOW.
Fly half! Wait... I don't think I'm doing it properly.
The first and only time we put one of those on my dog, she just stood stock still in the middle of our living room with a look on her face like we'd shat in her dinner bowl.
I feel like I'm still searching for my home. I've lived in a lot of different places and never really felt a connection to any of them, probably because in most cases my studying or work was on a fixed time-frame and so I knew I'd be leaving soon. At the moment I'm also having to move to wherever I can find work, so I…
The person that created this is a sadist - watching so many beautiful and unattainable men frolic around before my eyes just makes me depressed. The blonde in the pink shirt... *love-lorn sigh*
I see your 19-year-old virgin and raise you a 22-year-old atheist feminist virgin who is also on the pill for reasons beyond contraception - hirsutism and acne. Come and get me, boys!
Strangely, most of them are SYTYCD alumni. Having seen them on that show I can tell you that you're absolutely correct - they're all fantastic dancers, but they still have to pay their bills somehow.
I don't know if A.S. is doing it on purpose, but I think Eric's creepiness comes from the fact that he's obviously very skilled at and comfortable with manipulating people. Even now that the overtly threatening side of him is dormant, he's still charismatic and handsome enough to exert power over others but in a…
... and this is exactly the kind of major overthink that completely paralyses me every time I find myself in a situation where I'm required to interact with the opposite sex in a romantic context.
I hope you also like discussing the rain, because we do that a lot.
It's about 60 degrees where I live in south-west England at the moment. The lowest temperature this winter was about 23 degrees. I love our little temperate island. Yeah it's cloudy and it rains too often, but I would rather that than 6-foot snowdrifts and heatwaves so bad you don't want to leave the house.
My thoughts in order:
Connie Britton and Kyle Chandler should get a special award for best on-screen relationship. Consistently believable and always adorable - best couple ever. I want Coach Eric to be my husband, but I wouldn't want them to split up.
INORITE?! Pretty much every actor on that show is KILLING IT. Steve Zahn, Melissa Leo, Lucia Micarelli, Wendell Pierce... I could go on. Also, the show itself has some of the best writing and direction around, and I love that they still make a lot of time for the music. **MINOR SPOILER ALERT** The major death this…
I thought it was pronounced like that? In which case, your portmanteau is definitely better. Although I do worry that combining these two discreetly hot entities might cause the word to overheat and create a nuclear-type reaction that would destroy the world.