Two husbands, five kids, and two packs a day later...
Two husbands, five kids, and two packs a day later...
RE. GyllenGrylls (let's make it happen, people) - I'm pretty sure I just broke my keyboard from excessive drooling. Also, I'm worried that the Daily Mail have a direct line into my brain, because there's no other way they could have known my #1 fantasy.
Srsly guys, how many times do I have to tell you - if you are a famous man walking the red carpet, please WEAR A SUIT THAT FITS PROPERLY. Rupert Grint and Seth Green's are both too wide in the shoulder, Alan Rickman's is too tight across the torso and Jay Manuel... honey, the boot-cut trouser screams 'date-rapist.' As…
Bear Grylls is the real effing deal. Even at home he lives on an island with no-one else except his family. ... WUT?? His wife must be awesome.
He also once disemboweled a dead camel and climbed inside for shelter.
In my kickboxing class there's only one other girl, so I frequently spar with guys (of a similar weight, obviously). On occasion I have felt a bit turned on, but I think maybe that's just exercise in general - you know, how you get really keyed up because your heart is pumping hard and you feel full of energy that you…
They were married for about two years, I think - they split up quite recently, and there were rumours it was because he'd had an affair with Julia Stiles (who was in the most recent season of Dexter too). It might not be true, but if it is I'm very disappointed in him and we will have to have a serious talk before…
1. PAM PAM PAM PAM PAM - if I could be any character on this show, it would be her
It's trite, but I truly believe the quote from John Donne that's often brought out in these situations: "any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." I spent the days after OBL's death trying to avoid the nauseating media…
I think this mental image and I need a little alone time.
Has anybody actually had any *good* experiences on dating sites? I've never used one before, but I feel like maybe I need a little more excitement (read: 'sex') in my life right now.
I've seen a couple of set photos, and when he's in costume and his hair is done the same (sideburns and all), it's incredibly creepy. Also, I think it's not purely looks that make someone attractive or not - it's also the way they behave. Hopefully his acting and the script will be good enough to make him 'uglier,' if…
There's a TV drama coming out in the UK soon in which Dominic West (McNulty from The Wire) plays Fred West, the serial killer who raped and murdered at least 12 girls in the 1970s/80s. There's been a huge debate at the moment over the morality of the programme and whether it should have been made at all, and he's been…
I don't have many female friends, and I think Emma Watson would be the perfect best friend. I wouldn't be intimidated by her - I've had beautiful friends before. Admittedly, none of them were also global film stars worth millions of dollars, but even so...
You have to be between 23 and 39, and although the NICE guidelines recommend that up to three cycles be funded by the NHS, it varies depending on your local trust.
Oh, my.
My friend mentioned that he thinks Eric/Alexander Skarsgard has lost weight too. I can't see it personally, although I haven't rewatched earlier episodes so maybe I've just forgotten what he used to look like. Perhaps he's losing bulk he gained for another role, or losing weight for something?
I don't think Spike ought to be throwing stones in the 'nancy-boy hair gel' glass house.
At the risk of over-intellectualising (is that a term?) this, has anyone read Camus' 'The Stranger'? There's some interesting ideas in it about grief and its place in society, and how individuals are shunned if they don't adhere to accepted norms when it comes to emotions. From reading the media coverage, and…