
This is the final evidence I need to empirically prove that Ewan McGregor becomes more and more attractive as he ages. Also, the facial hair is a big yes for me - if anyone saw that motorbike journey documentary Long Way Round, they'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

My friend's dad is a Classics professor, so predictably their dogs are called Achilles and Agamemnon - Archie and Aggie for those of us not wishing to attract strange looks while walking them in the park.

*sigh* He doesn't have to be called Mike Dexter, but an astronaut would be my ideal man. Super-intelligent engineering brain and fit enough to pass rigorous physical tests? Err... yes.

I only started watching 30 Rock because my friend said that Liz Lemon reminded him of me. Actually, I do identify with her a lot - mostly her weird compulsions to eat bad food and inability to shake awful ex-boyfriends. Unfortunately, I have yet to meet my Floyd or Dr. Drew.

Ho's be crazy, y'all!

What an industrial-strength douchecanoe.

If I was a heterosexual male, I would be offended that this ludicrous nonsense is targeted at me.

I'm still lamenting the fact that Vogue has yet to publish an 'ugly' issue.

I have a dress in that print. Now I can never wear it again because I will just be smelling dead people. :(

I would like to echo the sentiments of the previous post regarding Prince Harry: fit body; ginger; doesn't look too similar to Prince Charles; mischievous grin; looks adorable when cuddling puppies. In addition, I would like to mention that I think he has a wonderful voice (but I am a sucker for posh English blokes).

Damn kids these days - don't know they're born. In my day we had to make our own oxygen and gravity.

Ugh I know, WTF is up with that? Are they going to try and turn him into some sort of Father/Messiah figure? Because we all know there's no way that could possibly end badly.

Maybe I'm post-rationalising, but I always thought that J.G. in Donnie Darko looks nothing like he does in any other film of his that I've seen - this must be a case of Before Nosejob and After Nosejob.

I know, it's so bizarre. I'll have to ask her why she avoided it. To be fair, she also didn't really want to teach sex ed. - the school basically told her it was that or lose her job, so...

For me, True Blood is both the greatest and worst TV programme ever made. I stopped watching season 3 at about episode 7 - I got frustrated and bored because I felt like there wasn't a decent guiding plot thread like in previous seasons. But about a month ago I downloaded and watched all the subsequent episodes. I

My mum is a secondary school (11-18) teacher in the UK, and she recently took over teaching sex ed. Apparently all the existing lesson plans were bullshit, so instead she's been showing her classes episodes of '16 & Pregnant' and then having discussions with them about the issues raised. It's also a good opportunity

What is this miracle drug called? I must have it!

Men like this are the reason I continued swimming competitively long after it had lost all other appeal to me.

I don't have many memories of my childhood, but the most vivid are of being read to before bed. When I got older that tradition morphed into being taken to the library every Saturday - I looked forward to it all week and would always get out as many books as I could. I still go to the library every weekend.