
I wonder if it's actually any fun being James Franco?

I'm a bit of a healthy eating nut so I really care about the issue of school meals, and this programme was a huge disappointment to me. Obviously it's good that JO is trying to bring the issue to people's attention, but the show is repetitive, dull, and barely skims the surface of the issue. There are so many facets

Maybe it's because I don't have kids (or apparently any maternal instinct at all - I can't even look after a plant without killing it), but I really don't understand this burning desire to birth the fruit of your own loins all over the place. There's barely enough space for everyone as it is, without irresponsible

Got to be Marks & Spencer underwear every time, because I know it fits me perfectly and can survive frequent washes - I'm a proper English girl that way. Their bras are weirdly pointy, though.

Not quite at the high level of other discussion here, but this poster is severely lacking in naked Daniel Craig torso. I'm just sayin' - if the lady-enjoying folks get a naked Rooney Mara, why can't those among us who enjoy the male of the species get a little action too?

I don't understand the people proclaiming his douchey-ness (aside from the person who met him - that's fair enough). Every time I see/hear an interview with him he strikes me as nothing less than a lovely, modest, intelligent gentleman. The weird thing is, I still don't care at all about his acting and have absolutely

Boq, surely?

The bit in Central Park reminded me of the fantastic huge crowd song and dance number in Enchanted, so I turned off Glee and watched that instead.

Watching Buffy when I was a young teenager had a huge influence on me. I wanted to be a hot vampire-slaying bad-ass so much. I got so into it that I made my mum take me to kickboxing classes, and I'm still training now. Now that I'm an officially qualified bad-ass, I know I was right - it is AWESOME.

'Bad-ass motherfucker' and 'I don't give a fuck.' Full transparency: I had to look both those up. Urban Dictionary is a very useful tool. I like to look up slang phrases for various depraved sexual practices and drop them into polite conversations - it's a fun game to work out who the interesting people in the room

@Zeratul010: The quote that for me completely epitomises this kind of religious belief comes from Paradise Lost, too:

As regards the argument of men having an 'instinct' to protect the women in their unit that would hinder their ability to do their job effectively - I always thought this was less an argument to keep women out of front-line service, and more an argument to examine and try to address the underlying preconceptions and

I don't think I can bring myself to watch the footage - I don't want Von Trier fucking up the amazing mental image I had when reading the transcript of the press conference. I actually laughed out loud, because (for no apparent or valid reason) I was imagining him delivering it in the style of Modern Family's Phil

I finished The Wilderness by Samantha Harvey while on a train recently and I was left sobbing in full view of the entire carriage. The man next to me was awfully kind and offered me a tissue, before asking which family member had died. I don't want to spoil the story, so suffice to say that the book is about a man

When I was growing up I found it very strange when people would talk about their parents fighting, or not speaking to one another, or even separating. To this day (I'm now 21) I have never seen or heard my parents fight, aside from little disagreements about relatively unimportant things. I really don't know how they

Oh my god yes! I usually have decent balance and co-ordination (used to be a gymnast), but around my period I am constantly dropping glasses, injuring myself, etc. - yesterday I tripped in the shower and bruised my knuckles on the wall (which obviously I'm telling people is the result of slugging someone in the jaw).

He decided to become an actor, got a scholarship to RADA, and subsequently moved to the U.S. to star in movies and/or a popular TV show. See: Sean Bean.

I'm going to be so terribly disappointed when Harry doesn't actually do any spectacularly bad dancing down the aisle. Although if anyone's going to do it...

That made me laugh the most of anything this whole season.