
The first one looks like my dream wedding dress, which is the Yves Saint Laurent one that Abby wore when she and Luka got married on E.R. I really am not one of those girls who fantasises about her wedding, but MY GOD I love that dress. In fact, their whole wedding was kind of great (aside from the drunken fighting

Agh, just outside the seven-year rule. Dammit.

He can paso my doble any day.

If that's going in, I personally submit the phrase 'cock-juggling thundercunts' for their consideration.

YES. I loved the first season - someone pointed me to it right after the pilot originally aired and I lapped that shit up. Second season - can't stand it. Dull, repetitive, not nearly as funny as season one... I could go on.

I'm really not feeling either of them in this picture, and I am a full-on Gosling & Clooney fan girl. I think maybe they're having the same problem as Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson (as previously discussed on Jez) - the amount of sexy going on here is simply too much for one photo.

Ugh RLS is the WORST. I tried to watch a movie in the cinema last week, but had to leave halfway through and jog home (luckily I had my gym kit - I like to combine outings) because it felt like I might spontaneously combust. This piece of advice is perhaps not so helpful in that situation, but it might make sleeping a

"Forsooth - know ye the whereabouts of the gentleman christened Master Wallis, yo?"

Forget people believing that Portman could go en pointe after 18 months - the black swan pas de deux has probably the most famous use of the 32 turning fouettés, which is absolutely not for pussies. Some professional ballet dancers can't even do that shit!

I am so tired of this shit.

Ew, no. That outfit encompasses everything bad about the nineties - pastel satin, fishtail-style skirt, ugly strappy black sandals, bared upper midriff, green eyeshadow, the blunt bob (I HATE IT SO MUCH) - while somehow managing not to have ANY redeeming features at all.

'I was born a woman and all I got was this stupid burqa.'

The thing is that William used to be an absolutely smokin' hottie. Then the hair started to go, and... well, let's just say he's living proof that you either need a full head of hair or none at all - balding is not a good look.

Thanks, Jezzies - you guys always make me feel better! I don't have many close female friends, so it's nice to feel there's someone around I can talk to.

21, virgin. Nothing whatsoever to do with religion or choice - I've just never had the opportunity to lose it. No, I really mean *never*. I've never even kissed anyone. I'm not entirely sure why, but it seems that for some reason people just don't see me as a sexual being. Most of the time it doesn't bother me - I


I love 'Wide Sargasso Sea'. I think it's great that Jean Rhys took the time to explore some of the facets of race, sexuality and subjugation that are only undertones in the original story. Rochester does come out as somewhat of a bastard, though.

I love 'Wide Sargasso Sea'. I like how it's able to explore facets of race, sexuality and subjugation that are only undertones in the original story. Rochester does come out as somewhat of a bastard, though.

One rule: absolutely no salutational kissing of any kind, under any circumstances.*