
Hahahaha, 'Brad' is the greatest!

@cottoncandy_sweetandlow: I watched the whole movie and noticed his amazing hands too! I thought I was developing some weird fetish. Well... not that weird.

Has any/everyone seen that video of him and Rachel McAdams accepting the MTV Movie Award for Best Kiss?

Holy Jesus. This has ruined me - I will never love another man.

Thought about getting one of these, but chickened out since I only tried tampons once and was completely traumatised by the experience (virgin-speak for: 'I am freaked out by the idea of something... up there'). Those with an aversion to mess, just be grateful that you have a predictable cycle - mine varies randomly

I live in England. Last January we had one foot of snow for three weeks, and everyone was was convinced that the second ice age had arrived.

Fabulous dress + impeccable body + amazing hair + Hamm = RI-DIC-U-LOUS.

Oh no no no, that is *not* the picture of Tom Hardy that I want to see. I find him unsexy as heee-eeellll when he's all beefed up. Ugh.

I have to admit to a slight soft spot for this one. Also, my boyfriend met him at a party and apparently he's not nearly as douche-y as you might expect.

Two words: Michael Buble.

@honorabright: Thank God I'm not the only person who's noticed the personals. I thought I might turning into some kind of insane spinster, who thinks that every human being with a normal face is some kind of god(dess).

That man can wear skinned kittens on his feet for all I care.

It's sad that reading these stories made me think that I am very lucky to live in England, where verbal/physical street harassment isn't really commonplace (it's usually just people honking their car horns, and I just give them the finger). What kind of fucked up world are we living in, where a woman feels actively