
Dear god help us if this series is ever brought into virtual reality.

I often misread "Ani-TAY" as "Anti-TAY" and get worried about inter-TAY feuding. Then I remember.

Hey Stephen, hopefully you're still reading these. Not sure how versed in the Kinja community are, but I'm the admin and more-or-less figurehead of the Ani-TAY reader-run anime blog that basically spun off of Talk Amongst Yourselves. My question stems from a common discussion that comes up in the chats some of the

Personally, I hope we've reached a point where characters can be written so vibrantly, and with such a unique voice, that their gender is way down on the list of things that defines them.

Epic oversight...

Cool, thanks for understanding and engaging with me, and for trying to edit your comment.

""This sort of dividing line only matters to people who want to know if your SF is "hard enough" for them. "The next time someone asks me if I write hard SF, I'll say I keep a box of little blue pills on my desk just so I can keep it hard enough for them," she adds."

Engineer here, it's not that we aren't imaginative, it's just we are realistic.

The sequel. Make it now.

I dream of the day a Warhammer 40k anime will be made.... Just think of the possibilities. A a depiction of 40k universe not limited by gameplay balance... Space Marines at their fullest.. i can only pray to the emperor.

Uuuugh! But that's just it! I'm like the most rational and logical person I know! Being an 8w7 INTP with Asperger's, like, I LIVE for math, and I can't STAND it when people are irrational. It's not the fallacies themselves, necessarily*, it's just the connotation with them at this point, because of the way they've

It sounds like your friend is just being an asshole, and using fancy terms s/he learned in PHIL 101 to silence you.

Oh hell YES! I will buy it again, and I will love it again, and everything will be wonderful (for the most part).