“Yoon wrote on Twitter in response to Doyle: “Dear sir, as an Asian Canadian woman, a Korean-Canadian woman w more experience and knowledge of the world of my characters, the lack of Asian female, especially...”
“Yoon wrote on Twitter in response to Doyle: “Dear sir, as an Asian Canadian woman, a Korean-Canadian woman w more experience and knowledge of the world of my characters, the lack of Asian female, especially...”
It’s okay to stand against abuse, to agree Rogen should do everything on that list, and to still dislike Ms. Yi.
In 1986, he was 23 and had like six credits to his name. I’m going to cut him a little slack for going along to get along. Blame the director and producer.
I feel this way, as well. Like, yes there should be gay and bi and trans characters, and it’s a reflection of the absolute desert of queerness in anything Disney (and in most media, really) that’s led to people speculating this.
Congratulations, you mixed a stimulant with a depressant.
Is it me or does Ray Fisher strike you as someone who was done wrong but is also kind of an asshole? See: Rose McGowan.
Ray Fisher wants to make it really clear that he NEVER wants to work again, doesn’t he?
“For characters who appeared in all three games, like Liara, Garrus, Kaiden, Captain Anderson, and more, we maintained slight changes throughout the trilogy as they aged, matured, or...got hit by a rocket,”
It’s interesting that the author of this piece thinks President Biden is a center-right politician, while I think President Biden has gone pretty far looney left. Maybe there’s something to this?
Appreciation for engineering/mechanical devices. Both watches and cars have an incredible amount of design, engineering and craftsmanship involved and I have an appreciation for that type of work.
LOL, okay
Yeah, after reading about how Netflix treats creators like Shonda Rhimes (who left Disney because she felt disrespected they wouldn’t give her an extra Disneyland pass) and David Fincher (basically gave him a blank check to make Mank when he felt burnt out from making Mindhunter; even he was surprised), I can see why…
The topic is transitioning away from trans persons per se and it is moving on to the wider topic of ‘activist bullying’ which has become so abusive that its becoming counterproductive to their respective causes. This Barstani article in particular is an example.
I’ve played both and Avengers is worlds better than Anthem.
He should have just complied.
Oh, for... This is a ridiculous article.
The Biden campaign made a cheery and silly Animal Crossing island. It’s neat. It will change few minds (and it shouldn’t) but it’s a nice, silly diversion.
I’m sorry you’re tired (we all are, because Holy Shit this administration) but this whole article is like a festival of…
“Much like Biden’s presidential platform, there’s very little substance here”
Maybe it’s just a bad movie from 3 years ago and we should just leave it at that.