
I love this shot so much...

I came here to say the same.  If you don't like a movie's main character then that movie is probably not for you.

I’ve always been more interested in the rebellion as a whole, the people around the Skywalkers, and the various planets and species and such for the overall sci-fi world. It’s not that I don’t care about the Skywalkers, but I’ve never really felt like I personally identify with Luke. It doesn’t mean I don’t like or

One might say... *Ahem* It’s like poetry. It rhymes.

That’s not what made the Jedi flawed. They are a religion, so it’s not a problem for them to act like monks. That’s what they are. What made them flawed was their coziness to the State. And this led to Palpatine manipulating them into becoming military commanders, which is something they never intended to be.

“The events of TLJ (which I love, despite also growing up with Luke, Han, and Leia) don’t detract from the other movies.”

My assumption is that “The Rise of Skywalker” is a farewell gift to fans like me who are basically done with this franchise with Luke’s death. After The Last Jedi I had little interest in Episode 9 until they threw me that bone and I know it’s to take with me as I leave while they move onto a new generation of fans.

It felt so cathartic to see Wanda just beat his ass like a rented mule there.

I know that I have a different perspective on this, and am not here to minimize a person’s feelings on the matter, but this hostility feels misplaced. Endgame was here to serve as a conclusion to a narrative arc, not to build up new characters. The hostility should be in the fact that Marvel hasn’t done enough

> It’s too bad that this poignant scene happens in the midst of a collection of tired stereotypes of gamers

Wish I could give you fifty stars

Okay, let’s get into it…

I understand. There have been some comments about music choices and the time frame of the movie not coinciding. She disappeared in 1989 but a Nirvana song is in he memory, for example.

The entire audience groaned during the “Avengers” reveal in my case, too, it was very very cheesy.

I, however, think the way Fury lost his eye was _awesome_ but that’s probably because I am a woman and have dealt with a) guys who are too tough to go to the doctor (“it’s just a scratch!”) and b) dudes (especially older

Pretty much exactly how I felt afterwards. It wasn’t bad or anything, but it definitely wasn’t all that great either.

The Ring is almost 20 at this point! 

Can he handle such supernatural strength flowing through his veins?!

The writing and worldbuilding has been pretty abysmal. Sparks of interesting character work, mostly with Luke and Rey... and that ended... poorly. Nothing has felt cohesive or coherent across the sequel films. It's going to take a miracle to wrap the sequels up in a satisfying manner. At least the OT (despecialized

No doubt. I challenge any of these commenters to bring up homosexuality with their fellow foreign born Muslim. Except y’all would never do that.

Plus, not sure how it would be confusing. Either you get it or you don’t notice it happened.