
The header picture looks like he’s saying, “Now, if she’d just have told me there was some kind of plan, I wouldn’t have mutinied or sent you across the galaxy where you brought back a guy that betrayed us and got pretty much everyone killed. So it’s her fault, not mine.”

I don’t know about anyone else but I figured Ron Howard would make a pretty good movie, so this isn’t unexpected. Now if the third movie in the new trilogy is good then I’ll be surprised; right now except Rey and Ren the new trilogy has crap characters and stories.

Goddammit. Disney gets to make whatever story they want, I get it, but this is not the story I want. I’m not interested in a Luke that wants to sever his connection to the Force. It flies in the face of everything he did in the OT and who he is.

I just hope Death and Station are back.

Post Credits scene will be modern time I imagine, much like Captain America: The First Avenger.


Now, Zack Snyder has shared another picture from that screen test, one that he says convinced Warner Bros. that Cavill was the man for the red trunks.

They went so close to the comics I was actually a bit bummed out that Jim Starlin got such a weird credits shout-out. Like, no adapted from or anything like that, just a special thanks.


Or people can have a negative opinion about a film you clearly like WITHOUT being called a “butthurt fanboy”, no?

I thought Nadine Nicole was cast as Clarissa Mao?

He may understand it, but he doesn’t know how to execute it. The middle movie of a trilogy is not the time to kick out the foundations and set of in a bold new direction.

I love how Johnson thinks that Luke not being “the Luke Skywalker that we knew” is a good thing. No, you fucking idiot, you just wrote him out of character. It takes no skill at all to bend a character to your will and make him a tool for your plot.

I just watched the making of documentary on the blu ray and thought the same thing. It actually made me dislike the movie a bit more than I did before.

Read old interviews, Mark Hamill wasn’t happy about “Luke I am you’re father”, he wasn’t happy about not going to the dark side, he wasn’t happy about being leia’s brother(I left twin out on purpose, they were not twins in the OT, she was clearly 1-3 years older but Lucas lucased it) and he wasn’t happy to see the

Mark waited longer than anyone else for this continuation and when he finally gets to be Luke again, everything gets flipped on him and everything gets fucked.

Oh my god that is a heartbreaking video. Him crying at the end is friggin’ devastating.

Mark’s disagreed with Luke’s direction since at least Episode V, though this time was certainly more drastic.

Hamill soldiered on man. He’s an incredible guy. Part of me wishes he would have refused to do the movie since he so disagreed with johnson’s choices (rightly so, i might add). But he is a true professional.