What you’re describing is a full on remake, not a port, which Naughty Dog apparently thinks there isn’t enough general interest to spend the resources on.
What you’re describing is a full on remake, not a port, which Naughty Dog apparently thinks there isn’t enough general interest to spend the resources on.
I mean if you’re muscle memory is actually mapped to two very simple combos while button mashing the dodge button, you probably look silly regardless of what ever game other game you’re trying to play.
I grew up in Texas and have lived in the Bay Area of California for years. When you get outside of the bubbles that exist in places like SF, Berkeley, and some parts of LA, you find that Californians and Texans have A LOT more things in common than not.
Just like the movies then, sounds like they nailed it.
Much like the original story, some of the zombies had developed intelligence and were not just “after him” for to kill him mindlessly, but because they were trying to defend themselves from someone who had spent years abducting and experimenting on them (the experiments always ended up being fatal).
Oh I see what the problem is.
I guess I’ll take up the “MCU diehard” role for this, but not to argue the merits of whether idea that Marvel poaching “young writer-directors” is a good or bad thing, but instead just point out the idea itself is absolute bullshit.
I work for a tech company in the Bay Area but I guess I must still be a “broke boy” because I think $28 for 16 ounces of cookies is absolutely bullshit and a total scam.
Say what you will about Advent Children, but there are fewer things in life that are cooler for a Final Fantasy fan to see than Cloud using only Climhazzard and the power of friendship to blast through a megaflare and eviscerate Bahamut.
That’s funny, I thought the two camps in Hollywood right now are the casts/crews that want protections from AI and their fair share of profits and the studios/products that are trying to fuck everyone else over.
It almost sounds like the producers are accusing her of accusing him of something but she hasn’t actually publicly said anything herself about him. She denies allegations, which means she is denying allegations that she said he had allegations?
I assume the reason hugs are not in the game because they would be incredibly hard to render. When you take into considering all the size combinations, let alone outfits, hugging without really bad clipping would be a huge developer undertaking.
Honestly, I’d write off Destiny 2 at this point, Bungie blundered Lightfall so badly that at this point that The Final Shape is probably going be a clusterfuck regardless of who owns them.
Wouldn’t know, I’m actually in the middle of a Baldur’s Gate III run right now.
Bungie’s biggest problem (aside from apparently not giving a shit about their employees) is that Destiny is almost impossible to jump into if you’re new or been away for a while.
It says you’re a Xbox fanboy.
All the comments about “Now Microsoft just has to bring back x franchise” is absolutely adorable. Microsoft made this deal for three reasons:
“Easy access to unions” has never stopped Microsoft from shutting down a majority of the studios that they have acquired.
You already know that this isn’t what’s going to happen. It’s Microsoft.
Actually you are. If you go back and rewatch the saber-building scene Huyang does call him as Caleb during the conversation. He knows they’re same person but also recognizes everyone else mostly knows him as Kanan.