The Ever Present Football Play

Horace and Pete broke even and was critically acclaimed so I think he's alright.

Kirkman isn't the kind of person to go back on her word over that shit. She's extremely outspoken to womens rights issues. I'd believe her if she said he didn't do it.

Same thing with Polanski. Hollywood will easily shit on fellow sexual predator Trump (deservedly so) but turn around and praise Polanski or Allen. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

I see we still haven't let go of this debunked rumor.

It reminded me of "Vinyl". Wasn't bad, wasn't good, entertaining enough but nothing really stuck with me the way "Sopranos" or "Breaking Bad" did. There was a cool scene in "Ozark" set to "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" by the Stones.

Simon has actually been said to be the real creative force behind Springfield and that he created many supporting characters and Groening had little to nothing to offer other than drawing the Simpson family

"Taken" was 2009, not 2008. You guys are a pop culture website. How can you fuck up something so simple?

Taken came out in January 2009

Ehh. It's great but it borrows so much from the superior "Goodfellas" that it's hard to rank it as the best.

Yeah, I thought the general consensus was the series went on as long as it could've. 13 seasons is insanely long and Mike Judge and Greg Daniels didn't have day to day involvement with it for half its run.

I'm still pissed MTV canceled the "Beavis & Butthead" revival even though it got great ratings. Their excuse was basically "All our shows are for teen girls. We don't know how to promote this."

How's that "Rough Night" box office take treating you, Illana?

South Park was also mocking more of the entitled LA douchebags that HAD to tell everyone they drove a hybrid. I can confirm. Was in middle school at the time and my biology teacher stopped class and made everyone trek to the staff parking lot to show off his Prius. He didn't even really explain it, just bragged about

'Hercules' had a cool art style by Gerald Scarfe of "The Wall" but it's a really weird movie and a strange character and mythos to set a Disney childrens film around.

Can anyone explain why it was originally "TV-M" but now everything is "TV-MA". Why the added 'A'? I've never actually seen something get rated "TV-M"

Early 2000s gave us "The Sopranos" which is pretty beautiful as far as major pop culture could be.

I've never understood the hype for "Grosse Point Blank". I've tried to watch it several different times over the years and it feels so bland and forgettable, like one of those shitty "comedies" John Travolta had made like "From Paris with Love"

I've been a diehard Floyd fan since I was a teen but I'd say Led Zeppelin applies more to the "teen music phase". I went through a big Zeppelin phase and still love Zeppelin but feel they're more appealing to the teen mind than Floyd. I've only grown to love Floyd more the older I get.

I remember the DVD cover art for the film at Blockbuster when I was younger. I was amused at how 70s/80s-ish the artwork looked. Would eventually discover it as a teen on cable and loved it. It's impressive how much the absurdist/silly humor of David Wain and The State has seeped into the mainstream. If "Stella" aired

Paul Rudd wasn't in "Paul"! At least force him to watch "Dinner for Schmucks"