The ever-present football-player rapist

while maintaining a complete unwilling to discuss their support of heinous LGBT politics.

black employees initially did not receive key FOBs which gave employees access to the building for opening and closing shifts.

Cyanide is not sweet at all.

As it’s not a brand name, “letrozole” is properly lower-case. It’s just a word for a chemical, no different than “water.”

WTF since when is Telly supposed to be Elmo’s dad?

So in this world possession of stolen goods isn’t a crime? Because wouldn’t you be compelled to return the money the second the API goes on?

Mannequins. Come on.

Oh god you’re right - she’s Tiger Kinging.

I’ve never met a comma I didn’t like. Doubly so for semicolons. It’s my only weakness.

While I fully agree with your opposition to this untenable argument, I regret to inform that you are part of the problem.

The message without any punctuation is neutral.

Sadly, nothing worse can happen to this child in his life that will exceed being name Huxley. 

Dog owners continue to be the abject worst. 

(Staten Island is largely Republican, unlike the rest of the city)

Why would you knowingly date a drunk driver?

Wait, to the funeral of the murderER, not the murdered? When did he die, too?

There is nothing punkass about having kids and getting married in high school.

my mom will want me to visit my parents

She accidentally the whole thing.

Came here to post the same. Calling that a “collapse” is such an I’m-a-walking-boner-for-capitalism take.