Eww, but why is it polygon-based? This is no SNK fighting game.
Eww, but why is it polygon-based? This is no SNK fighting game.
I more than just didn’t like the movie. I don’t know what it was about that mess, but I hate it with a passion that’s hard to explain. It was just so ... stupid. And not “good” stupid like Dude Where’s My Car, but just shitty and bad and amateurish.
Can you just *give* people weed, even if you can’t sell it for money?
“age of first sexual intercourse” specifically “indicates the age the respondent first reported having vaginal sexual intercourse with a male partner,” which cuts out a lot of ways that people experience sex.
you still have to sign up for the Ikea Family discount service
Hey, I got this party covered!
What’s a sloth doing at an aviary? Aren’t those for birds?
Did I stutter?
Phones have GPS. There’s no reason dispatch couldn’t know exactly where every unit is. Group text exists for mass-message distribution. Come at me, brah.
it’s pretty widely known
This isn’t a very insightful test. It’s basically “select anything, and you might have a problem.”
I mentioned that he needs to pay rent since he’s living with me full-time. He balked saying he’s not using that much electricity, gas, etc.
filthy rich beyond imagining and yet still resisted paying the ransom
a group of about 15 Dixie Freedom Riders were still huddled in a circle, puffing on cigarettes and preparing to drive a few miles north
actions which, she writes, believed meant that the loved her.
Why do you hate drop-down menus, bro?
signatures on a digital petition
He loves ... 23-year-old blonde women
He retired in 2015 and now works ...
Never, ever, use the Boston property market as an example of how things should be done. The bubble can’t burst soon enough.