Nothing’s wrong with hope, so long as it’s based on a thorough understanding of statistics.
Nothing’s wrong with hope, so long as it’s based on a thorough understanding of statistics.
Spirtuality is about embracing mental illness as acceptable. It’s diametrically opposed to curing people of their ills.
But even though more young black people are leaving organized religious institutions, that doesn’t mean we’re not spiritual.
125 mg of Sertraline
the storie’s star author
Wait, THAT’S what shoulder straps are for?!?
... seriously? That doesn’t make any sense. There’s not a single word where “chi” produces that sound.
No detergents that contain animal fats
D-O-G (pronounced dee-oh-jee) the Cat
If they’re already there, they technically can’t respond.
Maybe worry about making sure that all adults interested in working have jobs available for them first?
These were the days before Let’s Plays or any sort of video guide, so the best I could do was attempt to translate written posts into motion.
Which I read (three months ago, BTW. Try and keep up on active posts if you’re going to comment) and soundly reject the idea that it’s OK to use the language “software is on platform” when we’re talking about third-party emulation.
Error correction? Laserdiscs are analog. Error correction is impossible.
How do you pronounce Latinx?
Joanna FTW.
I dislike chocolate.
You the real MVP.
While I agree that responding to comments without understanding the necessary context is a lot of fun, your note isn’t really relevant here. If you were to follow the link she gave ...