The ever-present football player rapist

Oh my god. You guys. The aliasing! The layer masks! No good at all.

While I wholly support construction of possessives in such a manner, I'm pretty sure the official Gawker style guide calls for the AP-style "Bynes' Brain."

IS a plague a fictional apocalypse?

"Anytime" apparently does not mean "photo time."

Did she mishear something about getting her tubers tied?

The solution isn't making it easier to ferry-around execs, but getting people over their weird hang-ups prejudicing them against telemeetings.

It rises to pure white noise

IS this "combat?" Seems closer to package delivery than fighting.

I've never torn a generic garbage bag during regular use. Dare I say: you're using it wrong.

I actively prefer the cheap stuff. Lotions, "quilted" construction - all feels wrong for ass-wipes.

these counterfeits' holograms, while excellent, do not pass laser and ultra-violet light tests

ARE humans bilaterally symmetrical? My organ arrangement begs to differ.

Do they realize they're parodying the wrong Attenborough?

*Sees "X-Ray Vision" in headline*

Towel? OK. Rubber glove? I'm on board. ALUMINUM FOIL? Get that the hell away from my dick!

I know what those words mean individually, but they make no sense together.

Isn't a "gondola" just the cabin itself?

360 degree aiming coverage

PROTIP: The sodium azide charge that inflates your car's airbag can be used as a deadly poison, acting in much the same way on the body as cyanide.