The English Wheel

He’s not head banging, that’s Parkinsons. Poor old guy, surprising he still has a license.

Why can’t BMW wise up and do the port and direct injection thing. I loathe walnut blasting carbon.

If you need convincing, read my list.

How to fix any BMW.


Idiots let him die. Being slumped over blocks the airway (“he was turning a different color”), they literally could have stabilized his neck and saved his life. But what do I know, I’m just an ex emt. Tech our cops the ABCs, airway, breathing, circulation. If you can maintain those you can save most lives.

Damn I tried holding in my laugh and fart at the same time here at work. One of those exploded out with violent force at the end of that video. Good news is I got the rest of the day off.

Small overlap!?

Her car was traveling the right direction lol! Could probably cite for unsafe speed or public endangerment/reckless driving, improper lane change, failure to stop, assault on an officer with a deadly weapon, and general stupidity.

No, but once I had to chase him for 20 minutes to get him in the crate so I could bring him to the vet. He shit more than his body weight as soon as I caught him instantly all over my Persian rug. I felt like I was a monster lol

My cat is evil. I come home to destruction like this daily.

Must have the 4 inch solid sway bar kit

Don’t you watch Animal Planet?

But S54...

One of my customers just bought a black on black 2002 M Coupe with 32k on the clock for $52k in equal condition. I don’t think his asking price is too far off. Color does make a huge difference in value though.

I didn’t see the brakes come on. Brake failure?? He certainly let off the throttle soon enough.

I like mine better.

I like mine better.

Loud, yes. Winning combo? No.