I have all my potential sexual partners sign a limited liability agreement before commingling.
I have all my potential sexual partners sign a limited liability agreement before commingling.
“Heights are up there with snakes and Porsche electrical repairs on the great Nope-O-Meter scale of stuff I fear.”
I’ll address the underlying issue here: spend the money on enlarging your manhood, A V12 can mask the symptoms but deep down you still feel insignificant and lacking. Your wife will agree.
Clearly exceeding the speed limit.
Uh.. Eye bandage, man in trench coat masturbating on the hood of his truck, random dude hoisting himself up a tractor... AMERICA
As a former Subaru technician I’m deeply disgusted by this whole thing. We had HR classes and had to sign paperwork stating customer information is confidential and is only to be used for professional purposes (or something to that effect.) This service manager is way out of line and a blatant liar and overall bag of…
Somebody was high as fuck
From whence I came
This guy kicks a cop in the knee and gets a felony? Now he can’t get a good job (not that he had one to begin with). Meanwhile Tony Stewart can run over and murder people and continue on Scott free. AMERICA
Where is the fence protecting the fence?
As a small man like Tom Cruise, throwing my body into small orifices comes naturally. I can’t explain it but when I see a hole Im drawn to it with such violent force.
Oh yes... $2000 used to make the “car” out of ceiling fans and a flattened Jeep carcass. $348,000 used to get mother fucking LIT!
Isn’t the narrator from the p-pump video above the same guy who did the turbo encabulator video?
Had my note 4 since new. Never had issues. That’s my experience. All my Iphones were shit. But thanks
One shouldn’t live life by challenging his possessions to duel with his testicles. Instead one should ask how to make said testicles more comfortable. Mine require the air conditioned, perforated, alcantara M4 seats as my asshole puckers at full throttle.
It’s like every iPhone user. The phones just suck but it’s a “thing” so you swallow the price and pretend like it’s amazing even though you want to throw it at a wall.
The Southern California Helpful Honda People commercials are worse. Pretending to give a shit is a marketing strategy now.