The English Wheel

I love this. In the US the crowds would just keep their arms crossed and shift their eyes around inside their cold dead skulls.

You ok?


When will BMW ever learn to simplify for fucks sake. That’s four more piles of shit to explode under the hood.

He said goddamnit. Still waiting for the part where he cusses out the entire world.

What’s missing here is that they like giving out tickets. It’s good business to have short yellow lights that only give you two seconds to either risk running the light or slam on your brakes in a full panic stop maybe causing someone to rear end you. But I’m no engineer...

Don’t ever drive in Utah, just don’t do it.

Fuck the world, I’m out.

COTD nomination

I hope they adopt a PeopleSafe policy soon...

The Black Key...

Holy God.


Tires contain asbestos. Anyone in the crowd diagnosed with mesothelioma should call Bull Brig & Brangrain immediately for your free consultation.

Funny looking Mustang

Because of the severity of the impact it is likely the doors wouldn’t have opened regardless of the emergency release because the chassis was compromised pinning the doors shut. The emergency release is designed more for situations where the electrical system is off in non-life threatening situations where someone

Oh boy you’re not kidding. That and cooling systems... I predominantly work on BMWs. Let’s talk about how many grenaded N20 motors I’ve seen, or the N63 and why the maintenance schedule has a battery due every other oil change...I am a very busy man.