Ado About Nothing

What unwitting kids? Many of them actively posed with their water polo gear or rowing machines. And even if the parents helped change their board scores or photoshopped their headshots into athletes behind their backs, the kids should’ve known something was afoot when they got into a school after failing Art History

I don’t feel bad for the kids at all. They had every possible advantage in life (including parents who were filling to commit crimes on their behalf) and they still couldn’t get accepted to decent colleges? Cry me a river.

I feel bad for the unwitting kids, but as for the parents, this is a great day in Schadenfreude. I think this is what is meant by the hoarding of opportunity.

Wait what?!!!! LMAO! Why are you here then. Hahaha. Everyone is laughing at this woman you dumb shit. 

The joke’s on him when he has to reflect on the horror’s he’s participated in and tries to escape with his son by flying away only to have his son perish when his wings melt and he falls into the ocean.

Stormfront is that way 👉

You came “here for a laugh”, and you clicked on this article, and then you made a comment to complain about a sarcastic remark someone made about said article??? I don’t even-I can’t... Like, you’re worried about him, but I can’t help but wonder about you. I mean, who does that?!?

Son you just played yourself again, you come here for a laugh? No you come here to troll a site dedicated to people of color. I mean look get back to work at Subway or Starbucks. It’s real easy to multitask, although your inbred ass struggles with it I bet.

I mean this was amazing. The amount of people worried about this woman was absurd. Shit she’ll probably be on The Today Show tomorrow with Savannah Guthrie

Yeaaaa was just thinking about that. I’m sure you’re right that this wasn’t what the illustrator was going for (I assume she was simply trying to prevent me from ever eating again), but there’s a real Eternal Jew vibe going on...

God the cars of Fury Road are so good.

I know this wasn’t their intention, but merging a Jewish person and a rat into a single image... has bad historical precedent.

We could solve all the worlds problems... but... then who would sobble.


Hahahaha “be best, Florida” oh my lordt you got me dying ova here!

Dear Virginia -

But seriously, impeach that motherfucker.

Yeah, the Punisher is pretty much just a well armed, psycho killer. Travis Bickle with branding.

Jesus. That is straight up terrifying.

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.