Ado About Nothing

But, have you seen the Melania part?? Ahaha, her poor press person!

At least he’s not wearing a tan suit. Or doing something naughty with his emails.

If you buy the theory that Trump is suffering from some kind of dementia/Alzheimers, I absolutely believe he would snap “Who’s that” re: Boehner.

Really Beth?

Why not let nature do what it does best, weed out the unnecessary.

Not like they’re all going to drop dead.

A little diarrhea here and there, some ironic dehydration, maybe a few thousand in hospital bills, it’s the great equalizer of the rift between us and them.

While I agree, I think you may be understating the mental state of their leader. My belief is that if, and when, the NK regime feels that it can no longer benefit from brinksmanship and can’t get China/Russia to keep the U.S. off their doorstep... Un will absolutely launch a nuclear weapon at the south in a last act

I’m sure someone is telling him that being in active war would prevent impeachment.

It is never going to be “rational” for NK to attack. NK is engaging in brinksmanship, promoting the belief that they are willing and able to use nuclear weapons in order to deter others from attacking them. Their intention is to bluff. The only problem is, this time they’re facing someone who is perfectly willing to

Memba that time that Hitler accidentally sent his army into Poland. Boy did he have egg on his face that day.  

There needs to be someone on hand to literally physically stop the President. I mean, someone to actually tackle him or throw a haymaker in lieu of handcuffs. The closer the Mueller probe gets to Trump, the closer America gets to a nuclear war.

Another administration insider said, “Every war in history was an accident” (this is uhh not true)

I’m kind of invested in the shock-plate idea. Even a mollusc would learn to avoid the button after one push. But him? Every day would be an adventure!

A third option - that’s sort of implicit in the piece, but not clearly stated - is to teach the kids to fight fair, and *then* let them have their conflict, stepping in only if they’re not following the rules of a fair fight.

That reminds me to go and actually do that. They deserve all the love.

We should all have it put on t-shirts in this difficult time.

This is my favorite Deadspin moment. Thank you for posting it. I needed a reason to smile.

I hope he remembers this fabulous burn. Deadspin/ all you Giz sites might win - bigly! Get your acceptance speeches ready, guys.

My six kids ranging in ages 17 to 2 usually fight over computers and other electronics. When they try to get me involved, I remind them my solution will always be no one wins. That’s usually enough motivation for them to come up with a compromise on their own.

Who still cares?

The civil war ended 153 years ago. Wouldn’t it make more sense to honor soldiers that fought in the Spanish American War, the Indian Wars, The Philippine War, World War 1, World War 2, The Korean War, Vietnam, Grenada, The Gulf Wars, the Afghani War, or any of the dozens of other conflicts that have happened since?