
Is silicone vegan?

“got a nose job cause you were snorting too much cocaine and you burnt your nose out.”

I thought in California it's 10 years for automatically halvsies. That's why the ever so classy Tom Cruise divorced Nicole Kidman 3 days before their 10th wedding anniversary!

Gods damn you, Johnny Depp, and may the Devil take you! Your ridiculous midlife crisis bullshit forced me to side with this “inbred tomato”. You will never be forgiven. I curse you until my dying breath!

It’s COMPLETELY, ETHICALLY WRONG to speculate what has happened.

Seriously, the scariest cat-calling incident I’ve ever had was walking through my well-traveled neighborhood at 4:30 on a sunny summer afternoon. Three guys were standing by an alley and one made some just-loud-enough-to-hear comment about my ass. That was it. But it was terrifying because I was pushing my

Seriously. Good for her.

So...the next ten thousand years? That seems fair.

Never, because that isn’t a thing. But even being less pedantic, you’re going to have to wait at least until the winners aren’t all *incredibly* deserving before crying foul if you hope to be taken seriously.

Hi, vegan here. The difference is vegans don’t eat eggs, dairy or any other products that come from animals. Vegetarians just don’t eat meat. Most of us are fine, but you only see the shitty PR because who wants to hear a story about a boring and completely normal vegan? We don’t all throw red pant at people (although

It speaks volumes enough that instead of saying “my other daughter” passed away, you say “my daughters sister”. It shows that you prioritize your child’s loss and grief over yours which is an incredibly difficult thing to do when you lose a child. If you could do that, I’d imagine you’ve done swimmingly with

are we still pretending that we didnt all already know that he would not stay dead

In this context, I think Schumer being female and the aggressor being male are essential components of him treating her as a commodity. Male celebs are also subjected to invasive and unwanted attention, but this “I/we paid for you [so I can do anything I want to you even if you say ‘no’]” sounds like a john thinking

Now playing

Yes, because it is about consent and ignoring the refusal thereof.

OP said camera lenses can be male-gazey. This is a perfect application of OP’s statement. If going into someone’s face to shoot them against their will isn’t male-gazey-rapeish, I don’t know what is.

Right, so not only does this (middle-aged) woman deign to show her face in public, she also does so while daring to sell something as distasteful as a “womens” product.

pinkham was da bomb. her family were abolitionists and frederick douglas was her neighbor. there is still a clinic in salem, ma that bears her name and gives free health care and vaccines to poor women and their kids.

Dear Sir: Drop Dead.


I layered with nursing tank tops that pretty much covered everything. With regular tops you end up showing more of your stomach than your boobs when you pull them up to nurse, which is pretty uncomfortable. Nursing tops open so that only the relevant bits are accessible.