
OMG the books! Smalleranon sleeps with about 20 books in the damn bed - most of them hardcover. There he is put to sleep with a soft toy and bam - every morning he is surrounded by books.

Just came on here to write something similar. Australia’s obesity rate is comparable - but maternal death rates are considerably lower. Likely this is due to healthcare system differences.

Well I like the colours - but those cuts would only look good on a model

Australia in the 80's - “A wrinkle in time” was pretty much required reading in most schools grade 5 or 6.

my first, lucky they got caught in Australia where there is no death penalty rather than Indonesia where they would be promptly sentenced to death row.

Just came here to say that exact thing - I love Dunk and Egg.

Actually....tampons can be used in first aid for crater wounds...which, since they often occur on battlefields, would be of more use to men than women ;)

Sophie Monk. The real lips are bad - but not that bad.