
It’s Australia you’ve got to thank for that getup. They invented a sport where it’s pretty much a fight but the ball keeps getting in the way and then made the standard attire wifebeater & hotpants ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A friend of mine works for an Australian Olympian and we have been mocking the Australian uniform for weeks. It looks like a barbershop quartet had sex with a boarding school.

She lost Renly... but fulfilled her vow to avenge him.

“Fewer.” —Stannis the Mannis, First of his name, King of Grammarians and the Andals

Theon has been in Ramsey’s company for months and would more than likely know if Brienne was “a plant” and part of one of the psychological games that Ramsey so enjoys playing

ok I have no fucking clue how your elections work to be quite honest. no matter HOW much West Wing I watch.

In Canad-layman terms, what is happening now

One time I was in another room when my wife started calling out “Can you open this jar for me honey?” but I had to stop and tie my shoes and when I came in to the kitchen I saw her look around, shrug, and just open the jar herself.

Jars I have trouble with, yes, but killing /removing living/smelly/dirty things that are not supposed to be in my house - that is the one thing that will keep me married through thick and thin. We just hit 10 years so it seems to be working.

grippy pads take care of that. it’s the spiders that keep men in business. 8-)

See, America, we Canadians also have people who rush past the point of an article just so they can sling partisanship at a person involved in it!

Artisan? Child, offer up photos of these things you have made by hand. Thank you.

Signed, Female Motherfucking Welders of America

I truly feel for parents desperate to find something to blame for their child’s disorder, but once you cross the line into spreading dangerous untruths because you want the conspiracy to be true so badly, you must be told to sit down and shut up. Looks like Mr. De Niro has crossed that line.

Beg to differ

The MRAs flipping their shit completely sold me, personally.

Jayne Ann Krentz. She writes across three genres (historical as Amanda Quick; modern as Jayne Ann Krentz; sci-fi futuristic as Jayne Castle). She is fantastic at all. But, what I think you as a sci-fi reader might like, is that she has series that run across all three genres. It will be a mystical group that impacts

As with middle-aged parents who still use Internet Explorer despite being gently but repeatedly urged to move onto Chrome or Firefox to make their own lives easier, America keeps on going with the Imperial measurement system (ironically) and Fahrenheit. Bless you, glorious stick-in-the-muds.

knows he’s a loser. His insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, flagrant narcissism.

Bianymeansnecessary x

I’m being annoying, but Sunny Coast local means Sunshine Coast in Queensland. It actually says Queensland in the linked article. Sydney is in New South Wales. It’s about a 15 hour drive between them. Again, I’m being annoying. So everyone referenced in this article is up north. Sydney is down the bottom, but not so