The Elegant Flaw Filial

Just Harriet Tubman thrashing Ayn Rand around like The Hulk did to Loki.
The mental image made me giggle.

Is she going to be green in this movie too?

If it is, get Zack Snyder on the line!
(Jeez… I really go for the low-hanging fruit. I'm not proud.)

I thought it was more about not denying our own racial prejudices so that we can more properly deal with them.


*Dances on top of table in response to Ray Wise singing.*

HA! MRAs are NOT going to like this one!
(VALIDATE ME!!!!!!!! LOVE ME!!!!!)

I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that the political discussions here can be somewhat masturbatory. Like, you say things that everyone is going to agree with anyway, and then you get validated by the upvotes.
I don't know who's to blame for this, so I'll just assume it's Ronald Reagan.

Fun fact: In an alternate reality, the Coen Brothers really WERE responsible for the Gazorpazorpfield Movie.

50% is being generous.
(Please note that I'm a narcissistic American who likes to feel superior to those around me, all the while assuming that I'm "one of the good ones.")
No, but seriously, it's great that people are becoming more accepting.

I'm sorry— vibrators will run like jackhammers.

…sign me up.

It is the most insidiously dirty word on the planet, largely due to its Freudian implications.

I won't even edit my original comment, because I am a gentleman who admits to his foibles and pour* spelling.

I tried to get into Community, but there comes a point where "self-awareness" turns into "naval-gazing," you know?
Like, Community was so busy deconstructing its own plots and characters that I never really felt like it took the time to actually… construct them, you know?
'Rick and Morty' has some self-awareness and

'Mad Max: Lost Highway.'

I'm saying that I like them as friends now, in the present time.

I like them as friends, actually.
From this review, it sounds as though Jimmy wants more out of their relationship, but I enjoy the… Platonic rapport that they share.

The comments for last season's South Park was such a goddamn headache.
And I just recently read Movie Bob's review of last season and… ugh.
Of course, though, the AV Club is a bastion of liberal progress and acceptance, which is why its staff and its commenters are absolutely teeming with minorities.

Hey, Jimmy had the chance to be a legitimate lawyer at the end of the first season.
He's like Walter— there are several odds against him, but he does sort of tie the noose around his own neck.

Yes. The cherry on top.