The Elegant Flaw Filial


I love Vince Gilligan.
There are lots of times when I read interviews of other showrunners and, while I'm interested in their insights, I usually roll my eyes at their bottomless arrogance.
So, really, that Vince Gilligan can be so talented yet so self-deprecating is refreshing in and of itself.

Kim dying would seriously fuck me up.
If there's something that Better Call Saul has in common with Breaking Bad, though, it's the fact that the moral backsliding of the main characters ruin the relationships that they have with those around them.
It would be sad if Kim died, but what I'm thinking right now is that

Donna's reviews are pretty excellent. They do a lot to enhance the viewing experience.

Kim Wexler is exactly what I want in a friend— she's sensible, she keeps Jimmy grounded and occasionally calls him out on his shit, and she's got a bit of his sense of humor. I really like their relationship.
Which makes it kind of painful to think that Jimmy is inevitably gonna fuck it up.

Before he makes any of his arguments, he always goes on a million-word tangent on the very nature of arguing.
Like, the dude's an intelligent guy, but concise arguments aren't really his thing.

Yeah, I love feminism and all, but the circle-jerk of moral superiority that can be seen on sites like this sort of makes me roll my eyes.
Don't worry, though. If we're hankering for our daily, obligatory "lol MRAs suck" baiting, Birthmoviesdeath has you covered.…

That's kind of the rub— I like Amy Schumer, but every time I see an article about how a sketch of hers was "just perfect" for *INSERT FEMINIST ISSUE*, I just start thinking, "Hey… DON'T TELL ME HOW TO THINK! YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! AMY SCHUMER IS OVERRATED! SKREEEEEE!"
It's not the most mature reaction, no, but

I'm no expert on racial politics— really.
But I think that it's actually pretty crucial for white people to enjoy and admire the works of talented black artists. A genuine appreciation of the works of an artist of a different race (and not just the shallow indulgence of feeling like you're down with the homeboys)

I'm all for analyzing pop culture but, good gravy, most thinkpieces are so vapid and so full of fluff that they make me want to quit the internet forever.
And I WOULD quit the internet forever if I had a life outside of this empty void.

When I have the time I'll be sure to read this article in full.
Thanks for posting— I really do need to try to keep my eyes open to stuff like this.

Yeah, black people should stop complaining, too.
I mean, really, it's not like they're SLAVES anymore!

Jesus fucking Christ. There's a kind of narcissism in elevating your own generation's struggles to great importance while putting down those who come after.

I'm glad that we can once again openly admit to liking Trey Parker and Matt Stone movies without having to pay lip service to "FALSE EQUIVALENCIES! AIIIIIIIIEEEEE!" arguments against them.
It's a wonderful time to be on to be on the A.V. Club,

*Moans in sexual pleasure.*

"Yeah, they have Efron take his shirt off a lot but I think that's more for the Mac from Always Sunny types."

I know that Joss Whedon is all "rah, rah, GIRL POWER!" but, whenever I see Xander, I can't help but feel as if the dude has issues with women that he needs to work out.

I've already said this on a different comment thread, but the problem with Xander being a "comic relief" character is that he's a comic relief character… in a show where everyone has a funny quip in any situation.
So, whether within the narrative or outside of it, the dude serves no goddamn function.
I like Buffy and,

The problem with Xander is that he's the comic relief character in a show where literally everyone has a witty quip. (Well, "witty.")
Also, he's not funny and is filled with seething sexual resentment.
He genuinely did ruin the show for me.

Woah, that's harsh.

Yes, I agree with this.
I think it's really easy to get these two concepts confused. I've gotten them confused, many times.