The Elegant Flaw Filial

I may sometimes disagree with the collective opinions of the AV Club commentariat, but these are some intelligent goddamn people.
Maybe I came off as a little too harsh in my original post, but I stand by the general message.

Honestly, I feel like we've been having this exact same conversation for years now and no one has moved an inch.
Both people who are slavishly loyal to 'South Park' and detractors of the show keep repeating the same talking points over and over, and it honestly gets kind of exhausting.
We've already discussed on the AV

With the passive-aggressive "thanks for reading!"-esque comments, I could be Jesse Hassenger.

Thanks for watching!

Is this gonna come up every fucking time South Park is mentioned?
Jesus Christ, people, we get it. False equivalencies are bad.

I guess they'd just jerk themselves off for being morally superior to Breitbart commenters.
Lowwwwwww bar to hurdle.

"I compulsively take care of others when I don't know how to take care of myself."

The homosexual community has officially disavowed rainbows.

Yeah, I see I misread that.

You wrote somewhere that you "hadn't seen much of" the show.

This is Fox News-level willful misinterpretation.

It may not hold up that well on a re-watch, but I think it pretty much captured the zeitgeist of that particular year and it changed the status quo of the show's world in some pretty interesting ways. It really gave the show the shot in the arm it needed and it was surprisingly introspective.
It really reaffirmed what

But it's making fun of the bitch who's pretty much the patron saint of libertarianism.
Anyway, fuck it. We've reached an impasse. I'm biased by my love of the show and you've clearly made up your mind on the show you "haven't seen much of," so I guess I'll see you in this season's comments so you and I (or someone

Wait, Trey and Matt never laugh at themselves?

No, Methlabshenanigans was saying that South Park can't solely be responsible for the obnoxious sects of its fanbase and I was agreeing with him.
If you dislike 'South Park,' that's your right, but I'm not gonna let the show's most assholish reddit fans stop me from enjoying it.
Honestly, all the discussions around this

"people get really excited when they enjoy a particularly good skewering at folks they don't like"
I mean, really, that's it in a nutshell.
I honestly think that's the value in a show like 'South Park.' Shows like 'The Daily Show' are great and cathartic, but they only ever really skewer people I don't like to begin

And if I had to like a show with completely sane fanbases, I'd be down to about… zero.
South Park may encourage some asshole-ish behavior in some people, but Steven Universe is one of the sweetest, most tolerant, most kind-hearted shows out there and its fandom nearly drove a girl to fucking suicide.
Yeah, I'll stick to

I mean, shit, we have 'The Daily Show' and its various offshoots for liberal satire. Can one show do anything different? Can one show maybe make fun of some views that are dear to OUR hearts without us throwing a fucking tantrum over it?

I think Trey and Matt like those ones more, too.
I think that, with the way they produce episodes, they feel sort of pressured into "making a comment" on the issues of the day when, really, they DON'T have to, especially if they don't really care about the topic at hand.