Thee Humbler

1. Because I’m not a 40/50something year old dad in Teva’s and cargo shorts.

Because I love Honda but I don’t want people to compare me to an STI driving douche.

Wow! Only four comments in for the “LOL RWD ONLY” clown comment!

What if I don’t want a Ford or a Subaru?

My ‘15 FB6 purchased in May 2015 has no rev hang.


Lakers arena

When we were in college, my roommate and a truly great guy (who is now a federal judge) shouted out to Ueberroth at the Crosby golf tournament “Hey—how does it feel to bleed a city dry for your own self aggrandizement?”

Who are you kidding? They’re probably from Cleveland.

Wow! 74 comment replies about a Massachusetts native and Boston homer and not one about how everyone from New England is a massive racist. Is this really Deadspin?

I drive a 2015. There is little—if zero—rev hang.

Wow, surprised I found the Honda hater this far down in the comments.

1. If it improved upon the 9th gen Si, I’ll say this is probably a yes. I’m not sure if any of this is what you want to hear but my 2015 Si sedan was my first manual transmission after driving auto for 11 years up to that point. I’ve had a lot of fun learning how to drive the car, and now I have a lot of fun driving

Yes, you’re right: if an ambulance rear ended you no amount of music would block that out. An ambulance can weight 10,000 or more pounds. BUT, music can be loud enough that you don’t hear it coming.

Are you a LaVar Ball? Is this why you won’t let this die?

First of all, they are still very far from being a championship contender...

A potential championship contender with the #1 pick in the draft. You’re right, that’s a bridge worth burning.

You know, you’re right. He has nothing to lose by refusing to meet with a team. It definitely will not have any potential future repercussions with the Boston Celtics organization. I’m also certain he and his father notified Celtics top brass in a very professional manner as well. My bad!

If you think this is solely about avoiding injury, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news.

Ainge himself alluded to the refusal as somewhat foolish. Doesn’t really help any potential future discussions.