Thee Humbler

How many times do I need to apologize for pointing out you were wrong and hurting your feelings? I mean, every time I do you pull out some half-assed attempt at an insult. Talk about triggered.

Damn son, you really do want to prove how fucking stupid you are, don’t you?

Oh shoot, not the “t” word! The clear indicator that you someone keep up with an argument that you started.

I don’t think you’re memory serves you right, because you were probably the same soft piece of shit then as you are now.

Yawn. Nothing special. Terrible logic and comparison stands.

Older, but far from wise. If we’re lucky, you’ll kick the bucket soon and we won’t have to read any more of your asinine half-baked opinions.

Oh look, someone who won’t admit they are stupid and wrong.

Yeah unfortunately you didn’t actually buy a 228i MSport brand new for $35k. If you did, it sounds like you’re comparing the new Civic Type-R to a car that is a few years old. That’s crap logic, bubba.

Are you serious, stupid, or both?

I think I’d rather roll around in an STi with “illest” stickers and an OBEY hat sitting on the rear shelf.

You’re a clown.

You’re right: this car is for Honda enthusiasts.

If the Civic Type-R is “just a Civic” then the Focus RS is “just a Focus”. And guess what? The Focus is total garbage. I’ll take a Civic over a Focus 10 times out of 10.

Had the opportunity to track one of these in Europe last year.

No, you didn’t.

Thanks for your long winded comment about your personal preferences.

Found the bro!

Sexism Is For The Boys Bros!

Thanks! The only problem with the car so far has been my left foot.

Yes, the RPM’s drop quickly. I learned about the rev hang issue in the 9th gen Si a few months ago and my FB6 is my first manual transmission car so I immediately went out and tested to see if it had this problem. Nothing like the YouTube videos I’ve watched or the one you posted at all. I might be wrong but I think I