Scott Skiles’s exit interview (George is the Magic not SS despite the resemblance):
Scott Skiles’s exit interview (George is the Magic not SS despite the resemblance):
I missed/ignored the interview. Did he quote Ross Perot?
But only if the forms of Kanly have been obeyed. That determination is up to the Emperor Commissioner.
Anywhere from zero to none sounds about right.
Remember until the current Simone era Athleti were pretty mediocre. They were a selling club (probably still are?) w/ Torres, De Gea, Costa etc. all leaving. The ridiculous bias favoring Real and Barca in the tv money meant that no other clubs in La Liga could hope to compete. Still $48 mil for 20% seems like a steal.
I used to play pick-up games w/ Najera in Vegas. A fellow bar fly was a teammate of his for Mexico. He fuckin’ smoked us. But then again we were bar flies in Vegas not a ringing endorsement.
Stacy King’s sista.
Thank you ruining my 30's. Peja was good though.
Not a car person at all but I know my former 1997 Geo Prism is still going strong. IDK the mileage, but it must be substantial since it’s almost 20 years old and has been passed down and along to at least 5 family members, friends and others. Currently it’s owned by one of the sushi guys at my local supermarket and I…
This kid isn’t a Mainer, he’s a Mainiac.
Or just as likely the starting QB, Hunter. Or even more likely asst. coach Jacobs.
Izzet real? Yes Muzzy it is.
Too bad these Spurs couldn’t have played OKC.
There are 94 federal district courts and 13 appeals courts (not counting bankruptcy courts) that handle thousands of cases a year.The entire 2015 budget for the federal court system was $6.7 billion (6.2% of discretionary (i.e. non-statutory/mandatory/entitlement spending like SS or medicare/aid) federal spending, or a…
Hernandez, easy. He’s got an entire lifetime worth of (losing) appeals to look forward to.
The suspension of the suspension was suspended.
It’s the same in soccer with fouls inside the 18 yard box that would lead to a penalty kick. Every game you see pulling, grabbing, mugging on corner kicks with no infraction called. I guess the psychology of it is that since goals are rare and a penalty kick/goal can have a huge influence on the outcome (like late…
Always remember kids: a black dick smith is different from a dick blacksmith.
Some of his arguments sound eerily like the NCAA.
It would mainly depend on her contractual status, i.e. whether not or she was an “at-will” employee or if she had an explicit, written personal services contract. I suspect that hers, like the vast majority of US employment contracts, was an implicit “at-will” contract meaning that either party can legally terminate…