I must point out even I could steal second on this guy.
I must point out even I could steal second on this guy.
Plus fish sauce, aka Super-Happy Umami Hour, is most often made from anchovies. Also a “Caesar” salad w/out anchovies is NOT a Caesar salad.
I only wish Diego Maradona presented the NYT statement at a news conference.
My slogan when I run for public office: More Cowbell and More Bat Flips.
I bet Art Schlichter’s available.
Just need to clarify that yeast, unlike baking soda and powder, is not a chemical leavener, it’s a living organism. I’ll give Ms. Medrich the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up (pun intended) to clumsy writing, and not to a misunderstanding of the science.
Syracuse native here and I’ve never heard anyone pronounce “car” like “care” either. Our family does have a camp (2 cabins, a boathouse that can sleep 12 and an outhouse) in the Adirondacks though.
Too bad he can’t celebrate too much; it’s a school night.
Shouldn’t the Yankees want as many tickets used as possible? More people actually in the stadium = higher concession sales especially if the ticket users got them for dirt cheap. Placing barriers on the secondary ticket market just hurts their own revenue stream. It really only makes sense if they’re worried about the…
So when do the sex doll versions come out?
Follow-up: You see these type of signs in other places like at coat checks, “Not responsible for lost or stolen items.”. The difference is that by checking their coat the coat owner is implicitly entering into an agreement/contract with the coat checkers in which the owner agrees to the terms that the sign conveys. If…
Wouldn’t agency law apply if the driver/hauler was an employee of the couch owner operating under the owner’s direction?
Bullshit. Just like the couch example the company has a duty to ensure that what they are transporting is properly secured and does not pose a danger to the public. I think it’s there so the victim will think “well I guess I can’t sue because the sign says they’re not responsible,” and drop the matter.
“Don’t bother with the Dominicans.”
So is this WaivedgateGate?
No one is one-dimensional. We aren’t single-minded zombies. It’s a big part of what makes us human. The fact that monsters have other aspects to their life isn’t newsworthy. Hitler was an painter. Stalin wrote romantic poetry. Manson was a musician. Who fucking cares? Not only that but Holtzclaw’s life was downright…
They do have standards.
Now that’s the real American dream.
Paging Liverpool fans. Clean-up in Yankee Stadium.
It’s a legitimate concern. The DA is wondering, “Can we get a conviction?” McCoy’s defense team will absolutely bring all that up during cross-examination. “How much did have to drink officer?” “Were you intoxicated?” “As professional law enforcement officer would you ever advise a victim not to call 911?” “Then why…