I’m starring every gray comment, but since I’m gray, I’m pretty sure it does not do anything.
I’m starring every gray comment, but since I’m gray, I’m pretty sure it does not do anything.
Reporting on someone else’s article isn’t journalism.
The commenting community here is what made the second hand political articles like this work. The commentariat will never return.
Your management are idiots and we warned you.
They replaced a functioning website, with a blog.
On the other hand, folks like me who don’t comment heavily live in the greys, which is a strong disincentive to post, and on and on. “Live here or fuck off” basically.
While Anderson Cooper and his guests wrung their hands over this on CNN last night, the ticker at the bottom the screen made a one sentence mention of the fact that the Feds are defunding a project that studies the health impact of mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia. Maybe that should have been the lead story.
* I’m meh on images: sometimes they’re nice, but sometimes they devolve into MySpace-sigblock hell.
Well, nobody is ever going to see this because it’s a new comment so it’s going to become buried under 500 “Load more comments” clicks since Kinja is the worst commenting system on the Internet, but RIP The AV Club.
Everyone get Kinjamprove! It makes things basically functional: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kinjamprove/ndhbdbmajaaclhoeabpblncclhhfcbpf
They went from a really simple list of TV reviews listed on the main page to, ‘hey, hopefully you catch it when we post it.’
As suspected, no functionality for importing legacy accounts (if ever). Might as well just do the Disqus carry over thing, as it doesn’t look like our old comments follow us anyway.
I’m way more disappointed in the way kinja buries features and reviews than in the comment system.