I guess I know what I'm doing tonight.
I guess I know what I'm doing tonight.
This post doesn't mention that Liam Hemsworth is going to be the lead and love interest for Monroe's character, which I think was a major part of this casting decision. As much as I like Mae Whitman, her and Hemsworth would make an awkward looking couple. He's super tall and looks older than his age (25 but
looks 35)…
Queerbaiting? I only watched the first few episodes and couldn't get in to it either. I didn't pick up on any homoeroticism though, which if I did, I would have continued watching. What about the show is queerbaiting? Cause this one didn't get baited…..
1903 Prison World is looking good on Kai. I almost didn't recognize him with the scruff…He also looks buffer. Is there like a 24 Hour Fitness in this prison world?
Oh….so it IS like the books…..
I'm not one for typecasting, but I wish Jennifer Garner would go back to being the go-to lady for all the kick-ass chick roles. ALIAS, Daredevil, Elektra, The Kingdom…..then she married Ben Affleck and now she only takes mom roles.
The show use to do an awesome job of packing a lot of action and story in to 40 minutes as well. The Reckoning blew my mind! So much going on, so many characters involved, and everything is moving so fast! Klaus knows Elena is alive…Rebecca is kicking ass…Whoa,Tyler just got his kneck snapped!…Stefan's flipped off his…
Did anybody else watch Starship Troopers just to see Casper Van Diem shirtless and getting whipped? No? Me neither….
I can see that based on Revenge. But back in her WB/CW days, she was a lot less serious.
Agreed. And Madeline Stowe was the exact opposite. She's like 'this is a primetime soap. All I need to do is put on a Lane Bryant dress and keep my eyes open.'
Most of the ass kicking happened in season 2, which isn't enough kicked asses for me. Season 2 had kind of an ALIAS feel to it. I wish it had stayed that way.
I think this show sucked the life out of Madeline Stowe. I loved her in Last of the Mohicans. But on Revenge, she was totally phoning it in. And I don't mean Madeline Stowe-quality phoning it in. I mean Susan Lucci style of phoning it in.
I could watch Thea kick stuff all day…..
I started to give up on the show at first because of how bad that actress was. But then, I think NBC got the hint and the show started to focus more on Charlie's Mother/Juliette-from-LOST, who is awesome. But then the only hot guy on the show died, so I gave up again…..
Batman Killed Heath Ledger
I get that Psylocke is part ninja, but why would someone who is telekinetic, telepathic, AND shoots purple shit out of their hands have any use for a fucking sword? She is always seen with a sword. I use to have an X-Men video game for Sega Genesis and Psylocke was one of the playable characters. I was super excited…
The heat and humidity in Austin means that Justin Theroux will be jogging shirtless and sweaty, right? I mean, it would only make sense and The Leftovers IS a show about things making sense…..
I think its funny that a guy named Charlie Cox has quite possibly the nicest ass I have seen in a really long time. Is it the black cargo pants? Is it the stunt double? I don't know, but I'm so distracted by the urge to bounce quarters off Daredevil's ass that I can hardly pay attention to the show.
Hell's Kitchen gives Hell a bad name. You can't even apply to work at a McDonalds without a headshot and interviews are called 'auditions.' If Hell is this pretentious, I might just start going to church.
I can understand Hollywood putting Jai Courtney in everything for the purpose of selling eye candy (the Zac Efron method), but when was the last time he even took his shirt off in a movie? WHEN? Seriously, I need to know, so I can go rent it….