The Duke of Woes

I would hate-watch the shit out of that.

I Know What You Did Last Summer is getting a remake also. Its like Hollywood is trying to wash that Prinze taste from their mouth.

**shamefully clicks upvote button**

A dude tried doing that to me after a date in which we ate MEXICAN food and then went dancing and got all sweaty. WTF?! He could have at least asked me to shower first. I would not have been offended. I mean, would anybody really be offended if someone said "hey, can you please shower so I can eat your butt?"

I feel the same way, but will try to work my way up to it because as emisan said, it just looks so fun in porn. My tactic will be to only do it in the shower though, with some industrial grade soap.

The last thing I saw Eliza Dushku in was The Scribbler. DAMN. I don't think I've ever seen her look that good. I hope her Banshee character will look like that, but kick ass like Faith.

They should have CGI'ed Lucas Black to…..not look 50 yrs old? It was like they weren't even trying to make him look younger! I'm pretty sure I saw grey in his hair and wrinkles on his face. Dude, put on some make-up, dye your hair, and do a few push-ups. You're in a multi-million dollar film!

Whatever happened to Lance's heart condition that made him SOOOO fragile that Laurel had to keep Sara's death a secret or else he would drop dead? That was dragged out for so long and now we're suppose to just ignore it and watch him run around fighting bad guys?

I first got in to X-men because of the 90's cartoon, which never addressed Jubilee's ethnicity. The cartoon character looked white to me! I was shocked to find out she was Asian after reading the comics years later. Does anybody else think that was the worst animated portrayal of an Asian ever?

I meant 'defending' as in a dissertation defense….because you mentioned writing an essay about the show. In many grad programs, you defend your thesis. You saying "I'm not trying to convince you to like something you clearly don't like…" would not bode well for you in a dissertation defense. That's the joke I was

Wow, Idiotking. Late to the game AND missing all the points. What's the opposite of MVP?

For someone who could write an academic essay on this show, you are not very good at defending. Hope you're not a grad student.

Don't you think part of the reason Mad Men succeeded is because of its historical backdrop? If it took place in modern times it would just be another soap opera. That's what Looking is NOT doing. Adding an element to the show that differentiates itself from others. The relationship struggles of these gay men is not

I don't understand why people applaud a show for depicting realistic everyday lives of a group of gay men. Pretend I'm a studio executive and pitch me this pilot. How are you going to make it sound interesting? That's my problem with this show. I agree that its realistic. I agree that its well acted, directed, and

But where will I go to see Russell Tovey's ass? Where? No, seriously, I want to know where. Anybody have Russell Tovey movie/TV suggestions?

Butt pirates?

I think a better phrase is 'lowering expectations' not 'lowering standards.' And I say that as someone who is in that phase of his life also.

It sucks that people in relationships come as a packaged deal. I'd like to hear people's thoughts on how to be friends with one-half of a coupling….or is that not even possible at all?

I'm thinking about meeting up with a guy tonight that I met on Grindr, but I just want to be friends with him. I'm not sure if that's a good idea since he is in an 'open relationship.' Even though I've made it explicitly clear that I am only interested in being friends, I'm concerned about 2 things. 1) He's secretly

Seeing Blake Lively in previews for The Age of Adaline has confirmed my belief that she would have been a perfect Mystique. Her beauty is classic and timeless, which is what Mystique should have been, not girl-next-door-ish, like J Law.