The Duke of Woes

And it better be Collin Farrell's! Although, to be honest, I've already seen it….um, I mean a friend of mine has seen it….

I would watch this if they had cast a hotter guy in the lead role as oppose to this Shailene Woodley fella…..He's gross.

Lance's death is long overdue. I've been expecting it since season 1. I don't think his death would bring enough shock value anymore.

Bill Murray. He looks like he already has one foot in the grave…

Sarah Polley is underrated. I think its because she looks like Uma Thurman and Uma has a monopoly on bland looking blonde women in Hollywood.

Barrowman's 'charisma' is tiring if you've watched Torchwood or anything else he's been in. Being cocky and smarmey seem to be his only range and I'm starting to think its more just his personality than it is acting.

I went on some dates with a guy that looked like Seth Rogen. I did not find him nor Seth Rogen attractive, but the dude got under my skin and now I keep having sexual thoughts about him/Seth Rogen. Fuck you Seth Rogen.

The new show is going to be on A&E, not MTV. Teen Wolf is on MTV. I haven't watched A&E since I was a kid, and I remember it mostly showing old movies….and westerns?

Let me in!

Like Teen Wolf, this show will be cast with nothing but buff, hairless young men who take their shirts off every 5 minutes….and its on a network where the demographic is 65+ year old men? This has pedophile bait written all over it.

Not if you like the feeling of someone choking you….mmmmm

Duh. Is ability to take his shirt off is Oscar worthy.

Is this going to be about actual rats in an abandoned mall? Because who still goes to malls?

So they replaced a Hollywood Queen with just 2 regular queens? Zing!

"Dead witches talk." I think that was an actual line from an older episode. Which means the Gemini Coven know damn well Esther is cooking up her own plan for The Originals, so why get involved in their family matters?

Does this mean I shouldn't show Fifty Shades of Grey to my 5th grade art class? That's a movie about about the color wheel, right?

I think the finale was good in regards to a show that got cancelled abruptly and the writers had to scramble to put together a decent ending. The season itself didn't build up to an epic finale. Was the Circle Of The Black Thorn ever mentioned up until the last few episodes? But yeah, given the circumstances, it was a

I remember seeing advertisements for the series finale like 2 weeks before the actual finale, which was still pretty abrupt since I thought it was popular enough to continue. I was also like 18 at the time and too occupied jerking off to pictures of N'SYNC to pay attention to what shows were being cancelled.

You just took me on an emotional roller coaster.

I'd say all of season 6 was terrible and only the first half of 7 was bad. At least they upped the fight choreography in 7, which really went down after 3….granted, its hard to top Buffy/Faith fights.