The Duke of Woes

Remember in The Real World: Boston when lesbian Genesis fell in love with a drag queen and questioned her sexuality because she was in love with a man dressed like a woman? That's how I feel about Tilda Swinton.

Getting your throat slit because you picked up a crazy DILF on Craigslist can be a downside….Hope you don't hear about me in the headlines anytime soon.
Also, I'm in my 30's. Its been awhile since I've been referred to as a twink, which I use to hate. Maybe its the midlife crisis in me, but I kinda like it now.

Maybe we're just lucky people….It had been about 2 years since the last guy I met on CL. He was a rich British DILF and we ended up going on multiple dates in which he paid for everything. He even asked me to go to South Africa with him! And the dude from this past weekend looked like a lumberjack with the ass of a

You mean 'fortunately'…..

I just hooked up with one of the hottest guys my skinny little ass has ever been able to find….and I found him on Craigslist of all places. It was seriously hot, but I feel terrible about myself. I've met guys through CL before, but it was back in the days before Grindr and Scruff. Recently, there have been so many CL

I need music or TV or porn going on in the background or I get too self conscious about all the gross noises that happen during sex, i.e., squishing, slurping, farting noises.

Would have been 20 if Tom Hardy would have taken his shirt off JUST ONCE!

I'm right there with you brother. I've had a rough year and working a 9-5 job, sitting behind a desk, and having the same conversations with the same boring suburbanites is driving me fucking insane. So, I decided to quit, pack everything up, and drive to L.A. No joke. Doing it in 2 weeks. I'm scared shitless, but

I feel the same way about those apps. However, the one benefit of them is being able to recognize a gay guy on the street, that you might not have otherwise known if you hadn't seen him on Scruff or Grindr. It takes the anxiety out of determining whether or not a hot guy is straight and whether you should approach

And all those Flowers in the Attic sequels from Lifetime. Incest is trending!

"….as well as his time playing Alison on Melrose Place." Ha! Yes! BTW, whatever happened to Courtney Thorne Smith?

I think the producer was just using age as an excuse. The real reason he didn't want to hire Maggie Gyllenhaal is because she has the posture of Mr. Burns. Stand up straight, woman! Bad posture is so unsexy.

Leaving Eddie's body to get sucked up into the worm hole was kind of a dick thing to do. "We have to leave him, we don't have time!" You're The Flash! You can take a nano-second to whisk your friend's corpse away so that he can have a proper burial. Besides, a face that pretty deserves an open casket funeral.

I'm so tired of all this rape talk. Why has nobody addressed the most important part of this episode: Ser Loras with scruff is HOT!

That man's got great hair. That is all.

Ugh, anybody is better than Shailene Woodley.

What was up with that? Did Tatsu know that Maseo was going to leave, so she decided to divvy up Akio's ashes in advance? Or is it a Japanese thing? Or maybe she couldn't find a bigger urn?

The producers are worried his abs would overshadow the rest of the cast….

She just faked her death to get away from that fucking annoying sister of hers.

Was Dichen Lachman pregnant when they shot this episode? Her face was a lot fuller and she was sitting down IN ALMOST EVERY SCENE. I actually thought I missed something in the last episode, like maybe Jiaying got injured and was now confined to a wheelchair or something. If she is pregnant, then that was some pretty