The Duke of Woes

The almost-rape was not only done for shock value, but also felt like a PSA about domestic violence. We're really suppose to believe that Buffy can't take on Spike? I'm getting angry just thinking about that whole storyline. Damn you all. Why did we have to bring up season 6 Buffy?

I liked the cliffhanger ending. My problem was the build up to the finale…because there was none.

Cordy's final episode after she "gets out of the coma" was one of my favorites….and better than the finale in my opinion.

Sounds like you also had a lot of free time if you were reading TV Guide and spending 10 minutes trying to connect to the internet via dial-up modem to read about TV show cancellations.

Ha. Just said the same thing. It WAS rushed. If I recall correctly, Angel was cancelled unexpectedly whereas Buffy knew it was going be done by season 7 before they even started production on season 7.

I did not expect so many people to like the Angel finale. I seem to remember that the show got cancelled unexpectedly, so they sort of had to wrap everything up quickly. Even though it was handled ok, it still felt rushed. For the people who think the finale was great: Did you watch the show as it aired back in the

Where the hell did Wick come from? I don't remember this guy at all. Not complaining though as long as he keeps taking off his shirt.

Are you also going to be predictable and only appeal to senior citizens?

"The relationship is over and they don't owe you anything."

As a young, closeted boy in Middle America with a conservative family, this movie was like porn to me. I knew nothing about it, but read somewhere that it had gay scenes in it. So, I would rent it under the guise of being an art film aficionado and then wack off to it. In retrospect, it wasn't very gay.

Don't be frustrated with yourself. The best way to stop hating yourself is to start hating others. And there are plenty of people to hate: Justin Beiber, anything Kardashian, people in the bible belt, Mormons, Kim Jung Un, people who think Two and a Half Men is funny…..What is the Disqus character limit, because I

But, what if they don't even give you a boilerplate excuse and instead, just ignore you and start posting pictures of them happily cuddling with some other guy? Is it OK for me to go full Fatal Attraction and start cooking some damn bunnies?

Right? Also, this is 2015 and many of us under 40 still let pop culture dictate our lives. If you haven't seen a show or a movie where people judged each with numbers, you've been watching too much CBS.

Well, on our second date, he wanted me to meet his friends (which was WAY too soon for me), but I did it anyway because I liked him. What I later realized is that he was just showing off to his friends that he could bag a guy more attractive than him. He pretty much ignored me most of the night and only talked to his

No, that's only something I would say in online forums where we get to show our true colors in anonymity….like admitting to being a Matthew Lillard fan.

Haha. Sorry. I use to have backne also. There are plenty of remedies out there for it, although the ones that really work are usually pretty expensive. But looking like Seth Rogen? There's no remedy for that.

My ego took a slap to the face this week. I liked a guy who looked like Seth Rogen if Seth Rogen were a hobbit with terrible backne. But I really liked him for his personality and intelligence and he seemed to really be into me. That was growth for me. However, he turned out to be a total flake. Stopped texting me and

I was surprised to learn Common's real name isn't Common….

I am a guy that enjoys action and violence and while this episode had those elements, I'm surprised to find that the best part was the scenes with Abby and Kane just talking. The comparisons between what Clarke has done and what they did while on the Arc were really profound. I was right there with Abby in thinking

I disagree. It was not nice to see Tommy. He was a lot hotter in the first season and has clearly aged (and gotten chubby), which ruined the flashbacks for me.