The Duke of Woes

Putting Tommy in the flashbacks really ruined the feeling that those scenes were actually shot years ago. That dude got chubby and old and was not passing for early 20's, especially when standing next to Laurel and Thea. On the other hand, I don't know if it was the makeup or lighting, but Detective Lance legit looked

My rage levels have been extra high the past few weeks due to work and family stress. To make things worse, the guy I like hasn't texted me in over a week (and I haven't even seen him in about 3 weeks). I said 'hey, let's hang out soon.' He said 'sure, I might be free Sunday night' and then never got back to me. Well,

The producers must not have seen Burlesque….like everyone else.

I feel that way about Aisha Tyler. I think she's a funny actress, but her stand up isn't great. All I can think is "you're like 7 feet tall and look like a model. Why are you here?"

Is this such a bad thing? Doesn't more knowledge of the art and industry equal better quality of music? I watch The Voice, and they are always interviewing these kids who say things like "I'm going to pursue my music instead of going to college." Why don't they go to college and study music? Wouldn't that make them a

I took a few bullshit music electives in college like "History of Rock" and "Women in Music." Seems like you may have taken a few of those and actually stayed awake?

I was just saying the same thing on Savage's column this week about the 15 year old kid that is into 'rape' porn. Guys in gay porn seem to enjoy the sex too much for it to feel real as opposed to females in straight porn. Women seem like they're just there to do a job and not enjoying it.

I only clicked on this because the picture on the home page looks like Henry Cavill is getting banged from behind by Armie Hammer on a moped. I don't know what this movie is about, but I will be seeing it…..probably in a back row by myself with some extra kleenex.

You have a good point. I think people who watch gay porn are looking at this topic differently from those who watch straight porn. (I'm a gay man who enjoys straight porn occasionally, so I don't want to make this a gay/straight thing). In 'sadistic' gay porn, the guys usually look like they're enjoying it even though

There is no place to park in Boston regardless of snow. Depending on how hot the person is, I'd say put up with the T. Also, everyone will be packed in like sardines and rubbing up against each other for warmth, so you'll pretty much be getting some action either way.

I sat around waiting for a guy I like to text me and ask me to hang out. He never did. So I just watched some porn and ate some take-out sushi… that order. Woe is me…..

But he was in Gossip and that…….had a good soundtrack?

Best thing about this episode was the Mikki Ekko song at the end….and Jeremy doing bench presses.

Kai/Luke (Kluke?) looked like he was going to bang Jeremy as soon as he walked into the room. As useless as Jeremy is, I hope he doesn't go to art school and sticks around to be Kluke's new butt boy.

If he's shirtless half as much as he was on Tomorrow People, I will definitely be watching! Aw, who am I kidding? I was going to watch anyway because I have no life…..

I'm starting to like Thea. She looks good playing with swords….And also, Moira was just killed off last season. I think they need more time in between Queen deaths.

I did, but I got kicked out. Apparently, post-fight locker-room handjobs is NOT the first rule of Fight Club…..

People can be both. Geek-chic is still a thing, right? Or are people not using that term past 2008?

Having to see Brandon Routh in clothes is already a travesty. Now we have to watch him in this Ender's-Game-outfit? Did the Arrow producers even review Routh's resume? He only exists to be shirtless eye candy. I cannot recall a single movie/TV appearance in which he did not take off his shirt. He is the poor man's

That final "battle" (if you can call it that) between Peek-a-boo and Flash was the crappiest chick fight I've seen in a long time. I think Flash may have pulled her hair….