The Duke of Woes

But if he's not repulsed by garlic-y genitals, does that mean he's just really Italian?

I wouldn't say I 'enjoy' the actual bruises. They're bruises! They hurt when I press against them. I enjoy the act of getting said bruises….and I like that they make me look like I went a few rounds in a cage fight.

I'm sort of dating this guy and he's a biter. He really likes biting me
when we're hooking up. Oddly, he's not the first guy I've been with that really likes to bite. I'm not sure if I just taste delicious or if I have a knack for attracting vampires….
Anyway, my guy is leaving bruises all over me….and I kind of like

There are better Grindr-like apps. Where I am, the only guys on Grindr are twinks and latin guys who don't speak English. I've met up with guys on Scruff and Jack'd who were nice and normal enough just to get a drink with and chat. I find the guys on those are a little more 'date-oriented' than on Grindr. But if

I watched the pilot for this over the weekend. When the original sheriff gets shot and says "It was my first day in town…" I laughed so hard I pooped my pants.

I've never heard of Pivot, but I assume its a channel that only plays the Friends episode where Ross tries to get a couch up a flight of stairs…..

Agreed. Vinyl will go away when the hipsters do. And if I can get my Reverse-Irony ray gun to work, its going to be sooner than later.

Even though you couldn't see his face the whole movie, it was still prettier than Stallone.

Very Bad Things was FUNNY!

James Marsden, Karl Urban, Wentworth Miller, and Eric Stonestreet? One of these things is not like the other……

CBS is just pretending he's Javier Bardem so they can boast the show as having an 'Oscar-winning cast.' Nice try CBS. It will work on the majority of your 75-to-dead age demographic. But you can't fool me!

An evil gay duo is EXACTLY what this show needs….and tighter t-shirts.

So, a part of Luke is 'inside' Kai now? I was really hoping Kai was going to be in Luke. Then out. Then in again. Its a good thing these actors look absolutely nothing alike and are in no way believable as brothers (have they even had a scene together before this?), because when Luke roughly grabbed Kai's face, all

Yes, yes….keep them coming…

The gorilla may have been some shotty CGI, but I liked that they went that direction. Before they actually revealed what the killer was, I was worried it was going to be something more supernatural…like LOST style smoke monster. That would have been too out there for me even if it is a sci-fi show. Mutated animals

Too bad Bellamy's face doesn't match those nice pecs. He looks like Elton from Clueless.

I can't wait to see more Tatsu kicking ass. I thought she was odd looking in The Wolverine, but her character ended up being one of the best parts of that movie. She looks way cuter on Arrow and there is something about they way she wields a Katana that just looks so right. She can play with my sword anytime.

Because its on HBO GO and the world would implode if both streaming services offered the same content.

Thanks for the info. From what The Colonel was telling me, I was sort of under the impression that it was sort of like poppers. You can buy them online because they're marketed as something else, and therefore not illegal. I was wondering if there was something like that for Viagra.

From reputable sites? I thought a prescription was needed? I would google this info, but I'm at work….and apparently very uninformed.