The Duke of Woes

I actually agree with most of what you're saying except the 'respect' part. Yes, I did refer to him as a chubby little hobbit, but I admitted to being shallow. The whole point of this post was to discuss that dichotomy.

I hooked up with a chubby little nerd over the weekend via Grindr because I was bored and lonely. He literally looked like a hobbit. However, he turned out to be pretty cool. I kind of even want to date him now. The problem is that I'm shallow. I'm clearly more attractive and more fit than this dude. And I think part

Best answer: shower sex. Not only do you have control of cleanliness, but should any 'accidents' happen, you won't ruin your sheets. Not to mention its just pure sexy fun too. Personally, I love lathering a guy up and washing his hair. It gives me this weird paternal feeling…..maybe I should write to Savage about it……

I know this is SyFy channel, but the best lead actor they could get is Pyro from X-men 2? Really? Aaron Stanford looks like the dude sitting 3 cubicles down from me. That's how generic he is.

My ears are burning…..

I'm constantly losing my underwear, and not just at the gym either….strangers' bedrooms, public bathrooms, grocery stores…..

SNIFF's letter has opened a can of repressed worms for me. Let me preface this story by stating that I am a pervert…or at least use to be?

I was exactly the opposite. I went to college during the same period and remember all the douchey frat bros and business majors LOVED Entourage (seriously, what is it with business majors and Entourage?). People in my circle, myself included, use to talk so much shit about this show. Then, a few years ago, I decided

I have drank to the point where a bottle of whiskey no longer gives me a buzz. I've smoked so much pot that I'm immune to getting high. I've considered trying harder drugs - meth, coke, molly - but I don't know how to acquire such things. I used to be worried about getting caught with that stuff and going to jail.

Every time a bell rings… angel gets AIDS.

Hey, its the annoying lady from Hollow Man.

Gael Garcia Bernal. Fuck. Yes.

I actually only saw the trailer once and didn't read anything about it, which is probably the best way to go into it. There was definitely a twist I didn't see coming….but that 'twist' was so integral to the storyline that I imagine it probably was revealed in the trailer or synopsis somewhere. Fortunately, I saw it

The Dreamers was good, but he looked like a pudgy albino kid I use to pick on in high school in it. I Origins is the must-see Michael Pitt movie. Not only was he amazing in it (as he usually is in most films), but he was smokin' hot (which he usually IS NOT in most films). This punk is aging like fine wine….

Wuxia bullshit? You might like this show then. If you were a wuxia fan, you would be disappointed.

The 80's version of Legend of the Condor Heroes (w/ Felix Wong) and Return of the Condor Heroes (w/ Andy Lau) are two of my all time favorite shows! I rewatch them once every couple years.
I agree with what you are saying. Marco Polo is trying to be wuxia and while I appreciate that and see some of those elements

I'm not even sure it was his ass either. With all the kaleidoscope-ing, you couldn't tell who's ass was who's…..but I guess that's pretty accurate for an orgy….or so I've heard….

Naevia from Spartacus

You forgot the awful faces people make while they're blowing you. Eyes watering, face all red, drool….(ok, some of that is kind of hot). It doesn't matter how pretty you are. You could be Matt fucking Bomer and you will still look unattractive with a dick in your mouth. That's why I only blow guys in the dark…..

Twice in 2 weeks, I have chatted and/or hooked up with a guy I met on Grindr who I didn't realize worked in my office. Fuck. It also happened a couple years ago, so three times overall. I'm worried I'm going to be known as the Office Grindr Slut.
I haven't even banged this last guy yet. I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't?