The Duke of Woes

I clicked on this post thinking "If Begin Again isn't on this list, I'm gonna….." I'm glad it is, because I didn't know what I was gonna…..

I had to perform this song in elementary school as part of a holiday recital. I'm still confused why they had a bunch of 7 year olds singing this song. I still don't know what "Ayatolla's in Iran, Russians in Afganistan" means…..

And he does not have the physique of an action star. I bet the real reason he turned down those roles was because he's too lazy to work out. I hear ya, Hamm.

I think Lorenzo Richelmy is suffering from The Matt Bomer Complex. He's just too beautiful that it becomes distracting to the point where I can't follow the show. I literally cannot takes my eyes off him. Don't even care what he's saying. And every time he's shirtless, I have to pause the show, find some kleenex, get

Interesting. My theory is similar, except I think it will be Maseo's wife, Katsu that will have some hand in saving him. I know she's suppose to have a bigger role on the show, and that fight scene with China White seemed like it was showcasing her for some big reveal. It would also tie the Hong Kong flashbacks to the

I don't buy Oliver's motivation to continue keeping his secret from Thea. He would rather let her be mind controlled by Merlyn and become a killer than reveal his identity as Arrow? Yet, he goes to Starling City and half-asses his secret identity by being seen in public with Felicity Smoak. The STAR labs crew knows

I'm not disappointed, but I did click on this post under the assumption the nurse was female. Its about to be 2015 and we still think of nursing as a woman's profession? What is wrong with us?

I could watch Felicity kicking people's asses all day…..

Oh man, I just looked up The World is Not Enough, which had the last Bond ski scene. Its been 15 years since that movie?! Ugh, I guess we are due another ski scene…..

I hope the 'skiing' scene is naked Daniel Craig snorting coke off a Swiss hooker because we do not need another James Bond skiing scene.

If this turns out to be some cross-promotion, marketing stunt for Fast & Furious 7, I'm going to be…..ok with it?

This episode was so campy, I had to pitch a tent….and not the good kind of tent pitching either, like the ones I usually do when I see Oliver Queen shirtless.

I don't know about that. Selena Gomez seems like the type that would just smoke all your weed and then not put out…..

In general, I think being drunk around sober people isn't fun. Nor is being sober around drunk people. I still drink like a frat boy and bask in the nostalgia of getting wasted with guys and making poor choices….sexy poor choices. Man, aging sucks.

But I want a Daniel-Craig-looking DILF bathing me in whiskey while I take bong rips. To quote the words of poet laureate Selena Gomez: "The heart wants what it wants…."

Ummm… a child, I touched myself to images of Jesus ….*hangs head in shame*

I like the attention I get from older men. They're so appreciative of a younger guy giving them the time of day. I feel like I don't have to work hard to bag a DILF. But a hot 20-30 yr old I feel like I have to work hard/compete with other guys to get their attention. I like to be pursued and not the pursuer.

I have a DILF problem….I've only hooked up with older guys, like in the 40+ age range. I'm in my early 30's, but I've been doing this since my early 20's. However, I've had the same issue with the last few DILFs I've met up with lately: they all stopped drinking. It seems like guys are hitting 40 and becoming very

If you have not already, you should see Wilson's more recent film, Stretch. A few more laughs in it than Space Station 76….and Chris Pine in a jock strap.

I did enjoy seeing his ass in Watchmen. The only problem with that scene though, was that he's chubby when clothed, but then you see him naked and he's ripped. Bad editing….good ass.