The Duke of Woes

I can understand people watching one and not the other. What I don't understand is why an AV Club reviewer isn't watching both.

Who was the actress playing Kai and where has she been all my life? Its rare to see Asian actresses in funny roles….and doing it well. The only Asian actresses doing comedy that I can think of are Brenda Song and Mindy Kaling. As much as I enjoy Asian females always being portrayed as ass-kicking seductresses, its

If only….

I actually agree that it is TV trope. Friends and How I Met Your Mother were good examples of it. At least in those shows, they were adults, so its understandable for them to host their own Thanksgivings with friends. Its weird when the characters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer spend Thanksgiving together instead of

I'm one of those attractive single people that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. Ever since college, Thanksgiving has been more of a friends holiday than family holiday. If you don't live near your family, its not really worth the cost and headache to fly home just for some turkey, especially when you're

Butterscotch?! That man is pure evil.

And mandatory!

I loved that show and thought it was hilarious…..but at the time I also worked in a restaurant so all the jokes made sense and were relevant to me. I haven't re-watched it, but I remember thinking the humor was very specific to restaurant industry workers and assumed that's why it wasn't so popular among everyone else.

Maggie and Glenn would make beautiful bi-racial babies. Oh yeah! Abraham and Rosita would make soul-less ginger babies. Oh no.

Yes, it was way too dark. I thought it was Maggie and Glenn having sex in the library and I was like "oh yeah!" Then I realized it was Abraham and Rosita and I was like "oh no!"

They're just embarrassed because they donated to Clay Aiken. I understand….I once downloaded his version of Vincent.

I bet if Selfie were on a different channel with a bigger male demographic, like FX, USA, or Spike (does that still exist?) it would have done better. Karen Gillan's popularity among men alone would have saved the show, not to mention John Cho's stoner following. ABC only makes shows for women and women don't want to

Because they need an Orlando Bloom replacement….one that will actually give producers a decent blow job for a role. Bloom is too teethy.

I don't know that I would blame it on him. That's just Hollywood/America for you. Don't hate the player, hate the game. And once you see his abs, I don't think he'll be dead to you anymore.

They cast the perfect actor for that because I heard Luke Evans knows his way around penises. Apparently, he was an openly gay theatre actor back in his homeland before Hollywood snatched him up and they're keeping it on the DL.

Southie is gives all of Boston a bad name

This just reminded me that the Dollhouse cast had the most Scrabble-clusterfuck names of any show: Tahmoh Penikett
Dichen Lachman, Enver Gjokaj, Fran Kranz, Eliza Dushku….
If you read their names out loud 3 times, you will activate a Swedish curse.

I'm liking that this is shaping up to be more of an ensemble cast also. It reminds me of both BSG and LOST. Season 1 was way too much Clarke trying to be Katniss Everdeen. The best actors on this show are the older ones, which for a fan of CW shows, is a weird thing to say. Desmond from LOST and MIFLy Paige Turco are

Kudos to Oliver for not letting the baby in Arrow HQ. I felt like it was a shout out to real life business owners who don't allow children in their establishments, which I've read is a growing trend in certain places. Hey parents, there are places your babies do not belong in: bars, rated R movies, tiny little bistros

The first thing I thought when I saw the end scene with Roy and Sara, was that it must have something to do with the mirakuru. And if mirakuru is involved, then maybe Slade is involved. And that makes me excitied. Deathstroke is awesome in this. I know they've only shown Ra's Al Ghul briefly, but something about the